Stuck at Falcon's Ache

Discussion in 'Arcanum Hints & Tips' started by elona half elven, Feb 23, 2003.

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  1. elona half elven

    elona half elven New Member

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    Feb 23, 2003
    My problem is thus:

    I need to remove the humans at Falcon's Ache without using violence, right?

    I've tried: Antagonising Bench but everyone dies if I do that.
    Talking to him has led to a dead end in the conversation.
    Raven is no help at all.

    The alter says something of a riddle which may apply to Bench (the one human). It mentions something called Litani which I know to be an Elven Idol and also something about giving him "my soul made of trees"?

    Does anyone know what I should do now?
  2. Ferret

    Ferret New Member

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    Sep 28, 2001
    The Falcon's ache altar is part of the god's quest. It has nothing to do with removing the humans.

    To do so you can do one of several things. I can't remember them all, but here are the two easiest and most common ones (actually, they're the only ones I can remember :) ).

    1. Goad him into attacking you. Insult him as much as possible. Get ready on F5 though and stay in turn-based combat so as soon as it gets ugly you can tell your followers to back off. As long as you don't attack anything then you'll be ok. The idea is that as soon as the men attack you, they'll get 'quench lifed' and die.

    2. You need a bit of persuasion for this one, although not much. Say that you are from Gilbert Bates and that there is a contest of ownership over the logging rights. DO NOT mention the Elves as they'll just laugh at you. When they ask why GB is interested in the logging just say that you don't know what he wants, but who is going to argue with GB and all his lawyers (or somthing to that effect). Say you'll put in a good word with GB for him and they'll be more than happy to leave.

    Oh, and Raven won't help you. She'll just hint at the fact that violent people will die.
  3. R. Caine

    R. Caine New Member

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    Feb 20, 2003
    I had some trouble here at first too. I had the right idea, but again , follower AI make it suck.

    So first order of buisness: Get to Falcon's Ache

    Leave your followers to wait right at where you're dropped off inside Falcon's Ache , far away from any sort of battle.

    Talk to the bandits, as i'm sure you've tried , they won't budge.

    Now here's the key part , anyone who SHEDS BLOOD in falcon's ache will be killed in typical Delores Beston fashion.

    That should be enough to get you going, but if not..

    ***Spoiler!***Impending Doom if you look*** etc.

    Rile the bastard up , call him a sissy , ugly , whatever. Eventually he'll get worked up. If you're in turn based mode , simply PASS the turn until one of the three crooks lands a hit (thus shedding blood) and they all die.

    My problem was my capped (95) AC and dodge mastery... they took a while to land.
  4. mihawk85

    mihawk85 New Member

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    Dec 19, 2002
    if what they suggested didn't work,if virgil knows resurrection and you REALLY want to risk it,try this:

    1)tell your party to wait and make sure virgil is waiting not too far from the humans(but he shouldn't stay too close to engage battle if they attack you)

    2)attack the humans

    3)you'll be hit by quench life,but if virgil's close enough he should resurrect you before you really die.

    I tried it once and it worked
  5. Contemptus

    Contemptus New Member

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    Feb 23, 2003
    Or you could just put it in turn based, press F5, turn auto attack off, and press space again.
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