Playing an Elf mage- your recommendations, dear Lords?

Discussion in 'Arcanum Hints & Tips' started by Solaris, Feb 24, 2003.

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  1. Solaris

    Solaris New Member

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    Nov 10, 2002
    I tried playing a magicker before, but was quickly getting annoyed by certain outcomes of this decision- not being able to raid shopkeepers chests at nights being the main of them (stealing money 100 gold pieces per try is way too much trouble). This time I'm determined to finish, and I would like your assistance in shaping my character.
    1)Which background would be the best for a magicker in your opinion? And speaking of backgrounds, how bad would be the reaction of people towards me if I chose "sold your soul" background?
    2)Which weapons choice would you recommend, or is it preferable to rely on spells only?(Please no Bangellian Scourge, I haven't decided if I'm going to be evil yet).
    3)Does UC ever becomes handy for a burglar or is it too noisy even at 100MA?
    4)If I follow the evil path, will I be able to get to Tulla to gain mastery in magic or will they be attacking me on sight?
    5) Is it possible to get Sogg Mead Mug as a follower being evil, Jeoffrey Tarellond-Ashe or Torian Kel being neutral/slightly good inclined?
  2. Zorque

    Zorque New Member

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    Feb 5, 2003
    For #4 I don't think they attack you, they just don't let you in
  3. Contemptus

    Contemptus New Member

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    Feb 23, 2003
    1) I prefer only child.

    2) I'd go with all spells, you don't really need any weapons unless you have a role playing reason to use something. Sword of defense until you can get an arcane staff (+80 mana)

    3) The noise of UC starts at the caster, so if you are far enough away you can open some chests. Magic only characters are not gold dependent unless you have followers.

    4) I think sogg has no alignment requirement. Not 100% sure, but I think the other two need negative alignment (which you can get with the dark helm, as well as some free MA%), or persuasion mastery, which will make any follower join you.
  4. Lagash

    Lagash New Member

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    Nov 20, 2002
    :x :x :x
    Ok. Only child is good if it doesn't worry you the lack of charisma. And you won't have trouble with Sold your Soul, just that you'll be evil all the time *cough* and won't be able to get it better than -20. People will have bad reaction but you can always talk to make people like you more.

    Geoffrey will leave in the moment you hit +1... or even 0. But Torian tolerates your alignment up to +20... or he leaves at 20. Sogg seems to be like Virgil, that doesn't complain whatever you do. :)

    Now for the weapon... *sigh* maybe a fine steel dagger, or a caladon elite sword. Maybe even a scimitar. I don't know.........
  5. Solaris

    Solaris New Member

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    Nov 10, 2002
    Thanks everyone! Please keep your opinions coming, I'm especially interested in the Tulla issue, I want to get a force mastery.
    Lagash, you misunderstood me. I didn't rule out the possibility of grabbing your precious Scourge and slaughtering the entire population of Arcanum, I just want to get a magic mastery before that. Which is why I need to know if I'll be allowed in with evil alighnment -20 or higher.
  6. Lagash

    Lagash New Member

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    Nov 20, 2002
    You won't be allowed into Tulla if you follow the evil path. But you'll be able to find Tulla if you wander near it. The guard won't let you in, but you can enter with the WorldMap trick and people will treat you like if you were good. You could even talk to Simeon like if Nasrudin had sent you. To get out of Tulla cross the pillars, but the outside pillars won't work, just the inner ones. Just in case you don't know how to get out. :)

    And now for something completely different:

    You know what I just saw? The Half-Orcs have a picture of a rifle crossed with a sword. Well the rifle reminds the Large Bore Vendigrothian rifle... just that's not that green, but the one in the Half-Ogres is exactly like the LBV rifle!

    Ok, that's not the important. The important is that the sword in the half-Orcs is the Bangellian Scourge! :-o You can see its black blade, the bandages around the hilt and blade, and the little skull at the end of the hilt! It's the Bangellian Scourge! :grin:

    And now something else... did you see that statue in Vendigroth of a man with a sword in his hand? At the surface... the sword seems to have the Molochean Hand logo near or in the hilt. I don't remember correctly. Just take a look!

    ...I'd have made a thread to tell this stuff, but it seemed too lame for a completely new thread. :)
  7. Solaris

    Solaris New Member

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    Nov 10, 2002
    Can I chose the good path while having an evil alighnment? If I can, will I be allowed into Tulla with, suppose, -20 evil alignment? Oh and will I be allowed to Quintarra in the first place being an evil son of a witch?;)
  8. Lagash

    Lagash New Member

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    Nov 20, 2002
    Of course. That doesn't have anything to do with those places. The only way Quintara will be against you is if you kill everyone in Stillwater... and the only way you won't be allowed into Tulla is if you don't meet Nasrudin.
  9. Solaris

    Solaris New Member

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    Nov 10, 2002
    So even being 100% evil, I can still enter Quintarra and Tulla and come to the Panarii temple in Caladon? A baddie on a good path?
  10. Lagash

    Lagash New Member

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    Nov 20, 2002
    Yes! :x

    Why do you think I almost always go for the Bangellian Scourge? Most times I don't follow the evil path, in fact I could count the times I did it with the fingers of one hand... you'll be allowed into Tulla if you follow the good path, you'll be allowed in Quintara, unless you get Butcher of Stillwater. And the Panarii Temple will receive you being good or evil too... the only difference is that in evil path you go see Kan Hua, and in good path... just ask about Nasrudin.
  11. Shadygrove

    Shadygrove New Member

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    Aug 29, 2002
    You can walk the good path & the evil path at the same time. Its in the timing. Once you have talked to Min, if you tell her yes (truth) Raven will no longer talk to you. Talk to Alexander & do the temple things, & you get to hunt for Nasrudin. Have Nas mark your map, & you should be able to find Tullia. (I haven't gotten that far in my test game yet.) BTW, 30% evil is not enough to trigger the quest to kill the Bogaroth.

    Where? What 1/2 Orcs or do you mean 1/2 Ogres?
  12. Zorque

    Zorque New Member

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    Feb 5, 2003
    I think Lagash meant that Half-Orcs have a Large Bore Vendigrothian rifle, with a different color scheme, crossed with the bangellian scourge, and the Half-Ogre's portrait contains the LBV rifle with the correct color scheme
  13. Solaris

    Solaris New Member

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    Nov 10, 2002
    Could someone please remind me what followers will join a character who is -20 evil? I know about Virgil, Sogg, Jeoffrey, Vollinger, Torian Kel and Z'an Allurin. Is there anyone else who would join an evil player? I'm planning on getting rid of Virgil and not taking Vollinger, that still leaves some space...
  14. Lagash

    Lagash New Member

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    Nov 20, 2002
    Exactly! :) Thanks for explaining it clearer. Isn't it beautiful? The Scourge is there everytime you see an half-Orc! Hahaha! :cool:

    Now to Solaris: Sebastian will join an evil one I think, I've never had problems with him, me being evil.
  15. Zorque

    Zorque New Member

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    Feb 5, 2003
    I love being appreciated :D

    *Sigh* I am so alone
  16. Shadygrove

    Shadygrove New Member

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    Aug 29, 2002
    Waromon, the lizzard archer, will stick around untill 100% evil. Tollo Underhill in the Dernholm pits will not put up with any who are less than 20% evil. Franklyn Payne cares for adventuee, not alignment. Of the free followers, Thorvald & Jormund will join an evil PC, but Dark Helm Jormund, he needs the MA boost.
  17. Solaris

    Solaris New Member

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    Nov 10, 2002
    I was thinking of Dark Helming myself if I had lower than 100%MA...
    How to make Jormund cast spells? Every time I had him he just rushed into melee, and with his pitiful strength he simply isn't good. Dante was at least healing my followers.
  18. Zorque

    Zorque New Member

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    Feb 5, 2003
    Does this only happen with lesser opponents? Because he turns into a fire elemental if your up against a lot of "evil-doers" or one of particular strength, though I doubt it was effective when he did it in the pit of fires
  19. Solaris

    Solaris New Member

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    Nov 10, 2002
    Fire elemental? I wish! When Dante or Raven do this stupid trick and turn into elementals, I scare my roomies by releasing all my supply of swear words. But if Jormund would turn into fire elemental, it would make him somewhat useful- but he doesn't! I only remember his casting a spell once- disintegrating M'in Gorad, but that's it.
  20. R. Caine

    R. Caine New Member

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    Feb 20, 2003
    Still on the topic of fire elementals , are they overpowered or what? Perriman(i think) cast them against Gorgoth and Kerghan , and against both it did 30+ per hit. I was hitting Kerghan for 19-21 with the Falchion!

    In fact , fire elementals as a whole are a pain , Dragon Leather's practically useless against them as they tear through it in a few hits :(
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