Hello! Many merry greetings from you wonderful forum friend, Snowmane. I'm back from Grand Cayman, with a beautiful tan to prove it. Hello my Greek Love God (mrnobodie), my devoted stalker DU, grumpy Jar, shiny assed retard, all wise Sheriff Fatman, Willie (Darkwalker... sorry, I'm reading The Caine Mutiny right now...), Q, Jinxed, and whomever else I failed to mention. Which is a lot. Blah. I'm tired right now though, so you'll have to live.
I was rather dissapointed upon opening this thread and not seeing some ass. Show us your tan, don't tease.
Yes, but he isn't around much anymore and I know I'll screw up "Qilikatal" if I tried to spell it without looking at it.
Ahh now i can go to sleep knowing happily that i have somehowe anoyed some people, and that i was right and xento was wrong.
*smiles vicously* But it sounds rather aztec right? You could belive that Qilikatal is the name of an aztec god?
Yeah but that would be copying another god, i just wanted a name that sounds like it could have been the name of an aztec god.