Read this please, i got something i would like to share.

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by VerZreV, Apr 18, 2003.

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Did you think Virgil was a little annoying ?

  1. YES !!!

    0 vote(s)
  2. Maybe... i didn't bring him

    0 vote(s)
  3. Are you crazy ?, after i got him a red barbarian cuirass, he was HARD-CORE !!!

    0 vote(s)
  4. I miss my Virgil...

    0 vote(s)
  5. Playing a dumb character together with Virgil was the best ! "Were we go now, Vertigo ???"

    0 vote(s)
  1. TairNean

    TairNean New Member

    Likes Received:
    Feb 10, 2003
    Shot in the head....silly retard, doncha know that's the one place it won't hurt me? :D

    ~draws Claidigh-Mor and bats away said magnum, then in a lickety-split flash of steel, shreds retard's underwear into lil paper-doll thingees~

    Inbreeding and politics? Sounds like the bush dynasty..:wink:

    :evil:~softshoes off the stage~:evil:
  2. Jarinor

    Jarinor New Member

    Likes Received:
    Aug 5, 2001
    That was pretty good. Maybe a little more detail next time on what makes up a person though, but pretty good nonetheless.
  3. bryant1380

    bryant1380 New Member

    Likes Received:
    Nov 7, 2001
    I knew you wouldn't let me down. :D

    How very stereotypical of you, Mr. Liberal. Because Bush is from Texas, he's an inbred? I suppose blacks love day Uncle Remus gree-uts and waltermelon, and drink only MadDog 20 20. Hmm??

    Fucking liberal. :evil:
  4. TairNean

    TairNean New Member

    Likes Received:
    Feb 10, 2003

    No, but you offered the challenge, and I met it. It was also meant to be facetious. (I don't know tho'...those beady eyes..that melon head...uncle paw coulda dun got to lil sis..)

    Personally, I loved Texas when I lived there. The people were great, and a lot of fun. Only thing that bothered me were the pasture parties that ended up with a bunch of drunks taking pot shots at anything that moved. Drunks and guns are without a doubt a bad combination.

    You know I always wondered about that mad dog, and watermelon thing...What's up with that? I've never seen a black person drink mad dog, or eat watermelon. What I have seen, is one of the most militant households in the SCA--one that is stocked mainly with white, college ROTC boys drinking cases upon cases of mad dog; at every event I've seen them at. Grits? Hell half the army lives on those things. I did when I was in.

    Seen lots of homeless folk drinkin' mad dog. Used to sip it with them. Good for keepin ya warm at night. Blackberry brandy's better, but mad dog's cheaper.

    My post was, after all, an opinion based on observations I've made, and conversations I've had with Canadians, and Americans. Someone asked about Canadian/American rivalry, I offered an opinon, based more on psychology, and human nature than actual politics. Not that it was entirely devoid of politics, but in this case, the politics were more of an example.

    I can go tit for tat all you want Mr Hillbilly :wink: If you feel so inlcined to waste energy on this.

    Fucking redneck.:evil:
  5. Draconix

    Draconix New Member

    Likes Received:
    Apr 13, 2003

    HEY...if anyones an inbbreeder...its the arkansas people that are inbreeders. Im a TEXAS and pri\oud of it...sometimes.. the texas thing is are you a steer or a queer. Im neither but if none of my typing makes sense...Im drunk as a skunk :grin:
  6. Qilikatal

    Qilikatal New Member

    Likes Received:
    Feb 22, 2002
    Anyone here ever thought of the fact that canadians and americans are just like any ordinary humans and are making funof each other on the acount they only wants too feel better. If you come to norway we have a million of jokes about the swedish and they a million about us.

    Wonders if tarinean is charles that has learned proper spelling
  7. Jarinor

    Jarinor New Member

    Likes Received:
    Aug 5, 2001
    Sure, you're drunk Draconix, sure...
  8. bryant1380

    bryant1380 New Member

    Likes Received:
    Nov 7, 2001
    Yeah, I know. I was just kidding, too.

  9. TairNean

    TairNean New Member

    Likes Received:
    Feb 10, 2003
    Well that was fun!

    People are people. People rib each other. And yes, for exactly those reasons: It makes them feel better.

    I doubt it. I can actually argue a point sensibly, from either side, if I'm so inclined. That's what journalists are supposed to do. My biggest problem is that I can only argue a point from the place I believe in it. And I do try to avoid personal attacks, unless they are loosed on me.

    If you want to talk about someone's spelling, look at your own before commenting on others. Your spelling is far from perfect, and I've withheld comment on it. Simply because I understand that not everyone has the same grasp of English that I do.

    Comparing me to charles is like comparing an essay writer to a short story writer. I don't make things up out of my head. What I say is usually based on observations and experience. I'm not always 100% accurate, and that's what I rely on debates for. To point that out so I can improve my arguments, and become a better journalist.

    From what I've seen of charles, his points (if you can make any sense out of them at all) they're made up from a lack of anti-psychotic drugs. Frankly, I find your comparison of me to him childish, and offensive. Not to mention bordering on a personal attack.

    To the rest of the forum:
    I am sorry that so many of my posts do turn out to be political. They don't usually start out that way. Again, I'm an aspiring journalist, and they are only an effort to hone my skills. i'm also sorry that so few agree with me, or even consider my views valid half the time. But that's the price one pays for being a loudmouth.
    I will make an attempt to keep uncalled for politics out of my posts in the future.
  10. bryant1380

    bryant1380 New Member

    Likes Received:
    Nov 7, 2001
    And Shadygrove thinks the media isn't liberal. Here's an up-and-coming example right here, Shady. Good luck in your endeavors, TairNean, and hey, don't worry bout what other people say. You're not as fucked up as some of the liberal shits I've seen here. You actually read what people have to say, and can argue constructively.

    Fuckin' liberal-ass liberal.
  11. TairNean

    TairNean New Member

    Likes Received:
    Feb 10, 2003
    Thank you. That is what I aspire to do.

    You know, it's amusing that I get coined a liberal, simply because I support free-thinking, free-speech, anti-indoctrination, and have severe reservations about the bush administration. And because I question what the government does in my name. Because I believe in standing up for human rights and freedoms.

    I thought liberals were pacifists. I'm not a pacifist. I don't believe in 'turning the other cheek'. All that does is get the other side of one's face smacked. I actually support the 2nd Amendment wholeheartedly. I just don't think guns and war are the answer to everything. Now swords on the other hand...It's pretty difficult to 'accidentally' kill someone with a sword(not that it can't be done). Using a sword takes a lot more skill than using a gun. Not that there's absolutely no skill involved with a gun, it's not so easy to be accurate, but pulling a trigger from 15 feet away is a lot different than facing someone with a sword. I'm actually a sharpshooter with a pistol, and a marksman with grenades. I'm also a qualified sword and shield fighter, and was working on heavy weapons (claidigh-mor, two-handed swords and pike) when my old back injury(something to do with a 73 malibu wagon connecting with my spinal column) gave out on me, and I couldn't do it anymore. It's also a lot easier to hide from a drunk with a sword, than a drunk with a gun.(depending on the gun. Retard's weapon of choice, for example. A .357 magnum, a relatively small weapon in the scheme of things, will penetrate an engine block, at close range. They have also been known to penetrate cinder-block walls. How does one hide from a crazed, drunken sod with that kind of firepower?) At least, with a sword-wielding drunk, you can see it coming and quickly get out of the way.

    As Thomas Jefferson once said: "The beauty of the Second Amendment is that you won't need it till they try and take it away."

    Ok, I'm done, I swear...I'll shut up now, honest. I'm good at shutting up. Whenever anyone tells me to shut up, I shut right up. Stop talking, and don't make another sound. Not another word from me, nosiree. One thing I know how to do is keep quiet. Yep. Sure do. Quiet as a mouse I am. Not so much as a whisper. Not a peep. I'll be so quiet a bat won't hear me. My lips are sealed. Quiet is what I am.

  12. Persephone

    Persephone New Member

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    Apr 23, 2003
    Getting back to the original question...
    My interpretation was always that Americans don't hate Canadians at all. Most Americans are so unbelievably ethno-centric that they have NO IDEA there IS a Canada. And of course I meant that in the nicest way possible.

    So, the Canadians get frustrated that no one knows they're there, and they're like the short kid in 3rd grade who always picks fights with bigger kids and talks shit about them. And the bigger kids generally ignore him. Again, that's just my interpretation. I like Canada. Except it's cold there. I saw Les Mis in Toronto, and it was awesome, they didn't fuck it up or anything ;)

    As for the other...
    I assumed the Bush being inbred was just a general comment on his dipshitness. (That's a word cause I said so.) Don't assign stereotypes where none are present. Bush doesn't need being from texas to be a dipshit! He does it all by himself.

    I think it's funny that most stereotypes of black people are actually Southern things. See, the vast majority of American blacks are descended from slaves, which means they probably lived in the south just a few generations ago (if not currently). Go to a family reunion (for a white, black, green, or blue family) ANYWHERE in the Carolinas, Georgia, etc., and I GUARANTEE they have watermelon, probably fried chicken, collard greens, and many of the things assigned to black people.

    My Master's will be in Journalism when I finish my project, and actually the people I was at school with were a good mix of liberal and conservative. Believe it or not, most journalists start out with the intention of doing good, I think that some of them just turn to the dark side because of the IMMENSE pressures of the job. That's why I'm not a journalist. I didn't like having to annoy other people to get my story.

    I'd rather annoy you guys 8) And on that note...

    "That's all I have to say about that."
  13. Thalion

    Thalion New Member

    Likes Received:
    Apr 21, 2003
    You're not annoying at all!

    I, on the other hand, am extremely annoying!

    *Proceeds to jab everyone with his index finger*

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