Is it possible to stack these manuals in your inventory to get to the required stats needed to make something and then remove them until you need them again? Just thought I would ask before I tried it! Parmanian
Yep. Also might want to use a potion of intellect before putting the manuals in your inventory if your intelligence isn't already 20, so you'll get full benefit of the manuals and possibly be able to avoid buying too many.
That is what they are all about. BTW, they increase your expertese in the field by your IN times the number of books. A potion of IN raises your IN by 10. They check on the way in so drink first. For more info, look here: ... 7@.ef4dfd0
if you take the manual out of inventory and back in does the original INT stay? Since I'm at 17 already the potion will only raise by 3 ( I have no trait bonus) correct? So if you bought the manuals when you had INT 10 and drank potion, the manuals would be stuck at 20? I'll have to remember that for the next game..hehehehe Parmanian
Nope , they'll check everytime you put them into your inventory. Really though , potions of intelligence are such an incredible bargain , it doesn't really matter.