I have been reading something about a mod that allows you to go higher than 50, but there are some problems folks are having. Is it a good mod or should you just let your followers get to 50. If you noticed your followers have a different set of EXP requirements than you do. But when you go up a level they automatically go with you, no matter what exp they have left. So on building them higher, I guess you have to work on their exp ratings, True or False? Parmanian
Well , Arcanum's real long-lasting appeal isn't the story so much , but character development. Many many people would like to have their character finish that tech discipline or master all combat skills in one character. That said i just find it more fun to start over each time. You get to note the subtle (or not) differences in gameplay, and of course , you get to see which skills are worth your cp's
I'd only download the cap remover if you've already completed the game at least once personally. As BS stated, there's no point in getting it just to beat the game. The end is too easy anyway and removing the cap just makes it stupidly easy and thus takes the edge off the game. You might want to remove it just to have a fun playaround with the extra 50 or 60 CPs it gives you but be warned that it ruins the playability of the game.