Just out of curiousity, can the pyro-bow be found (ie: random treasure)? Okay, i'm trying to get this bow and I have enough tech manuals to be able to make it, but i don't have all the components. the composite bow is easy to acquire, but the obstructive flame thingy (i believe it's like level 5 of the explosive discipline) isn't something that can be bought. so which follower can make this thing? okay, while you're reading this *grin* the envenomed bow causes some amount of poison damage, right? is this damage immediate (as regular damage) or is it the slow damaging type like when your own characters get poisoned? thank you very much. :razz:
NOBODY!!!! BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!! :evil: You'll have to make it yourself. I don't think it appears as treasure anywhere, either fixed or random. IIRC, the envenomed weapons do damage over time. Not very useful, especially in turn-based. BTW, Weird Al's "My Bologna" is still one of the funniest songs ever.
well that bites! :/ hmm... maybe i won't bother with the pyro-bow after all. my character has 20 points in magic which i have no clue how i got. i've been trying to stay balanced the whole time. i think it was some cursed item that i put on before identifying which gave me temporary 20 points in magic, but when i took it off the 20 points stayed. hmm... by the way, if my tech/magic points is at 0 how do technicaly things behave? when it comes to magic items, at 0 you get about 50 percent of the bonus so what about technological stuff? i only noticed that if you have points in magic there is a chance to fail to use a technological item.
That was the Dark Helm. It lowered your alignment as well. If you are 0 TA/MA, only the most tech items will foul you up. As those have to be built, you won't find them laying about. All the magic stuff has a % of magic available, & a bonus in ()s. Sometimes the bonus is weight reduction. Some of a weapon's properiets are inherent, as with Elemun's Bow, making it great for tech archers as well as the magic ones. A very unlikley suspect carries a Pyro Bow about, but he is late game.
so a character with a zero ta/ma wouldn't do too well with a pyro-bow eh? i managed to build the pyro-axe but i would get a critical miss that damaged my character every 4th or 5th attack. now when i attacked tougher creatures i'd get under 40 percent chance to hit. so i gave the axe to magnus.
0 TA/MA does fine with the Pyro Bow. The reason you are missing with the Pyro Axe is; If you run a cursor over it while it is not in Magnus' sweaty little fist, You will see a % to crit fumble listed. You will have close to 20% at MA 20 with that weapon.
which is better the pyro bow or envenomed bow? the pyro bow does immediate dameage but over a period of time the envenomed bow does like 15 more damage than pyro
Hit them with the Envenomed Bow, & their poison level goes up. The poison hits at the end of their turn, I believe. Hit them with the Pyro Bow, & the damage happens now. To see this happening, go to options & enable verbose floats.
Pyro bow of course. The Envenomed bow does very little damage, and the poison bonus simply isn't worth it. Well, when you encounter someone with unbelievably high fire resistance and an equally huge ammount of hit points, you can try shooting the first arrow with the Envenomed bow to lower their stats (I believe being poisoned lowers DX), and then switch to Pyro. But once you have DX20 and a Pyro bow, there aren't many creatures who can survive those 5 or 6 Pyro arrows you can shoot during your turn.
which is the best bow in the game, i like E's bow, the one in the ruins of szasbow is meant to be crap apart from range, and the arcane bow is a bit crap, ive heard the bow of terror is good and has hidden stats but it looks crap when you see the stats it has. its lookin like the pyro bow for me...
thats what i thought, cheers ps ive notices its better to play realtime for a bow character because you get many more shots in, and better in turnbased for a throwing character because despite a lot more damage per hits you have to wait for your weapon to return (if its a chakram, boomerang, or azrams star anyway), do u agree? eace: :thinkof:
Throwing weps in real-time. Hold down "shift" key, so yea dont move keep curser on enemy and click away. You will throw several return type weps even though its the same wep.
i know, the same happens in turnbased, but by the time their go comes you have already battered them, and theyve still got to get to you!, in real time they move up close to you and you only get to throw one at a time
you obviously dont know. In real time you can throw more then one at a time.. You DONT have to wait for it to return to throw another.