Is it true that all you have to spend is 1 point in throwing and be an apprentice for clarissa to train you to master by finding the star? Parmanian
Yes, it's true. My standard gunslinger hardly ever puts more than one point in throwing (for Molotovs) and he usually goes and does the quest for the Star. Neat, huh? EDIT: Of course, you have to meet the expert and master requirements before she'll train you. But she'll give you the quest with just one point & apprenticeship.
Yes, exactly. But you can do the master quest with less. There are some crazy dwarves who will train you as an Expert in whatever without you being at all qualified, but Clarissa is a bit more on the ball.
You don't even need one point to get the quest. A number of backgrounds give 1/4 point in all combat skills. That is all you need for Apprentice training, & Apprentice is all you need for the quest. Oh? Please tell us more. Who? Where? How?
The dwarf in the Wheel Clan who's lost his brother will give you expert training in... spot traps? Even if you don't qualify. At least, he'll take your 500 coin and say you're an expert. One day I'll have to get his training, and then put points in the skill to see if the expertise will appear or if it's some sort of dwarven scam. I seem to recall another one of those Wheel Clan dwarves offering expertise training to unqualified applicants, but I'd have to check to see who it is is and what the skill was.... Disarm Traps maybe?
If it isn't on your sheet, it was a scam. Or perhaps you didn't have enough skill to learn what he taught. Same result either way, I guess. You are out 500 coins & don't have training.
Yes, I believe I got the expert training without having any points in the skill, whatever it was. Something to do with traps. You don't suppose that the expertise would kick in if I put points in the skill?
A tragic story. A friend's PC did the lockpick master quest. When it came time for the training, she did not have her AoF on. This meant she was 3/4 point shy of five points in the skill. Whatshisnose gave her the title, but it didn't stick. When she fired up, it did not appear. She figgured this out several saves later. So, next time you have a few spare points laying around, save & pump that skill & see if the training appears. I will wager an Arcane Greatsword aginst a Fool's Daggger that it won't.
Its a leginthy teleportation maze. Have you been teleported yet? Hint, it is a throwing test. Anything else around to throw at?
it took me quite a while to find it actually because for some reason i couldn't throw things at objects, only when i found out holding alt fixed my problem did i do it.