well I just did a persuasion to get in, you have to be careful how you talk to the guard. and I did a stop the sabatours. It seems that the sabatours is the way to go with the +10 point reaction bonus. I always used the tunnel but with the bug, why waste magnus's great trap springer...hehehe Speaking of the trap springer, they don't work on the regular traps on the ground...right? Parmanian
They work on any trap you can spot. But why use them? The black market will give you 60 + coins each for them. Have no points in disarm. Use the disarm icon on the skills panel. Magnus will say "this looks like a job for a dwarf" and try his sorry 1/2 point best to disarm the thing. The results are hillarious! Juat make sure that Janya & Vergil have plenty of bandages.
yeah.......magnus did that to me TRYING to pick a lock while I was an expert he still wanted to pick it...... Needless to say the followers skills are not turned on.....hehehehe as for the springers.......I got 4 ogres to carry all them 100 stone things but I still couldn't get any to work on the ground. Parmanian
errrm. if you sell the journal to cedric appelby i heard you can buy the mansion. where? who? how much? please? :thinkof:
i think its 100000 if you're not haggle master, and 50000 if you are. dunno if you can kill that property agent after buying.(and get back your money)
First kill Bates. Then buy the mansion. Then search it for the journal. Then sell the thing. And nicely ballances out the negatives from being the Betrayer of Gilbert Bates.