So with dante in your party, if you take the taxes back to the king, then good ole dante doesn't want anything to do with you anymore!! OK I did it again and had him wait while I talked to the king and he rejoined. Is that the trick or are you loosing out on the bigger picture to let him go. He just thanks you for bringing him back........with all that good stuff you had him holding for you.......hehehehehehe good thing for saved games huh? Now before I continue on with this guy, is he gonna bolt and run away back to the king after a period of time? Parmanian
He won't. In fact, it is even safe to bring him with you when you talk to the king, just don't mention that he helped you get those taxes. Then he won't leave you. Dante is very useful to have around, especially for a magickal team. He's good in melee. His ST goes up to 20, so he can wield even the best of the magickal blades (I usually give him the Arcane axe or Arcane Great sword), he knows healing spells and sometimes uses fire magick to good effect. BUT his habit of casting Body of Fire or Body of Air on HIMSELF is irritating. The same applies to Raven, she really should forget her knowlege of Water.
i could never get dante to join me? can i still have him if i persuade the mayor to re-align with cumbria
Talk to Dante AFTER you got the quest to collect taxes, but BEFORE you have completed the quest. Be level 11 or higher and ask him to help you in retrieving the taxes
ok well seeing as im going to start a new game very soon i may as well be a mage and get him. what are the requirements? good? evil? magickal aptitude?
You must be good & have a follower slot. But make him wait & rejoin & he no longer needs one. I talk to him before talking to the mayor. He is a bigot & a coward, but he is a fast man with a Major Heal & his high MA means he can heal techies well beyond Vergil's range.
Coward is not the word for it!!! at lvl 14 in the bmc he tells me that he is WAY OVER HIS HEAD as to fighting......hehehehehe Parmanian
In one battle, Dante ran into an open room to hide. On his next combat turn, he stepped out & blew all his action points & FT on Major Heals all around. Didn't even save any movement to run away again & the fight was still going on. In another, he has an Arcane Axe, Dread Armor, & speed boots & gloves & he is always in the thick of the fights.???
Since I wanted to use all that magical stuff and can't I have given all the stuff to Dante and like you said I think there is a point where he crosses the line and fights, And since all he does is carry Jaynas ingredients I gave him magic Plate and he thinks hes boss now...... hehehehehe but gar wears his plate better. When these guys level up, don't they know that they need to add a couple of points to strength! I guess hes got room to grow, we've got a lvl 18 team now. Parmanian
Shadygrove............. I've seen this so many times and I must have a brain cramp (like usual) but what does IIRC stand for? Parmanian asks
well i downloaded a program named arcanum edit which lets you mdify your and your followers skills, really good for making them forget unwanted skills.
They won't forget their "unwanted skills" unless you edit their level-up scheme. Doing it through a character editor will usually just make things worse, as next time they level they'll go back and relearn all the things you made them forget, forcing you to re-edit them every single time they level. High-five, powergamer. :thumbup: