If they make an Arcanum II, I think that there should be less spelunking. God damn I hated having to explore all those dark caves. I couldn't see anything, and it was the hugest pain in the ass. Thoughts on my brilliant idea?
You'd rather have just a few, purely town-based locations, with no monsters, where you sit in an armchair in the inn, smoking a pipe, and pondering on the meaning of everything that's happened in the game so far? The dungeons are where all the fun is. Unless you want to make the world map fully detailed and playable, but then it would take hours to walk between places - like Morrowind. I think Arcanum had a good mix of overground and underground quests and areas. The only compulsory dark areas are the Black Mountain mines, the Wheel Clan and Vendigroth. Everything else (IIRC) could be done in daylight and above ground. Of course, the best way to counter dark areas is to simply turn the brightness up on your monitor. It's what I always do and I never have a problem. You might want to turn the contrast up too or things all look pale and bleached. However, it can't hurt to have a wider selection of above and below ground quest locations for those of us who don't like wandering around in the dark. Either that or make the illuminate spell and lamps more effective than they were in Arcanum. All they did was make you already existing area of sight brighter. They didn't increase the distance you could see. :/
No way... They forced you to do those mines which wery purely combat oriented, while combat in Arcanum was VERY lacking. There wasn't anything nice in there. Made replaying the game a pain.
the mines dont actually take long at all if youve done them once, you just choose a path and stick to it, ive been in and out of the dredge in like 5 mins, and the BMMines are just piss besides with a bit of skill you dont even need to go down the dredge you can skip that so the only conpulsary bit is the BMMines which are easy
Here's why I didn't like them. 1) Dark caves are not my idea of fun. In fact, they honestly scare the crap outta me. 2) Ore golums were the most obnoxious thing ever. They killed my armor, weapons, followers, etc 3) The mines took me forever. 4) I couldn't see a damn thing.
I think the mines just got repetative. I would like some outdoor quests. Also, more places where you are sneaking around guards. There should be indestructable doors in some places that force you to go find keys or temporary fallowers to open them for you.
i agree about the ore golems id rather them just be as strong and good in battle, just not armour damaging, it also annoys me how you cant polymorph them
at least for every1 door 2 ways or something, 1 picklock it, 2 charm some1 from other sex with beaty, 3 talk him/her with persuasion or 4 find a scroll of 'destroy door', 5 kill the person who has the key, 6 pickpocket the key. Voila 6 ways to do it. so imo it can be none 2/4 times in arcanum2
yeah good1 that, maybe that you get extra points in persuasion for having a pretty face, cmon irl it works like this too.
i just want to respond to snowmane, you said that the dark caves scare the crap out of you. I have to think that that was the point of the caves. also, HAHAHAHA to all of you melee-ites who have to swing swords at the ore golems. For an archer like me it was a breeze. but seriously, the mines did get a bit repetitive after all.
(Quote Ferret) Either that or make the illuminate spell and lamps more effective than they were in Arcanum. All they did was make you already existing area of sight brighter. They didn't increase the distance you could see. :/(End Quote) I thought that the lights made it easier to see traps :???: and made it harder to prowl and pickpocket?