I was just starting this quest for the first time so I thought about a poll from the experienced members on how they feel about it. Since by offering to a greater god you loose what you got from the lessor gods. I was thinking of just lessor gods but you can't do the 2nd or 3rd circle without offering to the greater god in the 1st or 2nd circle, right? With that being the case, I would say that I would do the first and second circles and partial third up to the greater god. This way I could still keep the str and dex bonuses that you lost in the first circle by doing the third. Is Velorians blessing really worth it? Well thats the purpose of this poll Parmanian
Yes, but a few players stop before the end of the third circle just as you proposed. Save & then compare.
From a roleplaying perspective if you get Velorians blessing you become a lesser god at the end . So even if veloriend blessing was not worth it from a powerplayer perspective it is very worth from a roleplaying one . ( Everybody wants to become a god) {202}{resistmagic +30, dx +4, resistdamage +30, maxhps +100, maxfatigue +100, melee +12, pickpocket +12, persuasion +12, firearms +12, dodge +12}//Velorien's Blessing But as you can see it is worth it from a powerplayer view. As an example with decent armor and velorien blessing your damage resistance may get real close to 95 % making you near invunerable to normal damage ( 95 % of all damage that creatures do to you is normal damage)
can these altars be forced at any character level like the first one falcons ache? after forcing the pass that is! It seems in real game time, you don't start these offerings until you get to qintarra for the first time. Parmanian
Hmm. onder: I think they all can be forced except for the one in the Wheel Clan and the one in the Bedokaan Village. Well, I mean, if you force Qintarra and get the lost hunter quest it'll be marked on your map, but I don't think the village can be forced otherwise. At least, I haven't been able to force it myself. Yes, that's what I meant. All the other altars I THINK you can just walk up to any time you want. But I could be forgetting something.... BTW, I've made a decision. "No Way Out" is officially my favorite Peter Gabriel song. :cry:
thats one you havd to search for, like a lot of the other ones in the wilderness. nothing I think makes you go to vooriden! as for forcing bolo's altar and going through gorgoth pass, some pretty nasty armor eating creatures there, you won't be doing that one lvl 10 hehehe I've just done all except the last 2 and I'm deciding on that one. I didn't notice the altar in the pass and you have to be sent to the wastes don't you? I noticed after the first circle, some of my followers gained favor but after the second circle they went back down! first circle being good and the second being evil. Parmanian
You can go to the Wastes as soon as you can survive the trip, and the Ruins can be forced as well. Except, of course, for Stringy Pete. :wink: Huh. Never noticed that. Interesting.
Stringy Pete will give you the quest, but why wait? Stumble across it on your own & there is a fate point. Pretty much what Canis said. Getting the Bedokan village marked is trivial once you have forced Qintarra. Falcon's Ache can be forced. Vendigroth can be forced.* What'shername's alter in Gorgoth Pass** has to be forced. Only the Wheel Clan lies hard on the plotline. No way to get there before the IoD. Unless you hack the spectacles or their schematic. I think. Perhaps not even then. You can do the IoD at 15 or so. You pick up BE in the first circle. *Search my posts for that one, I know I posted the methodoligy, perhaps here. **Toughest fight on the god quest, that one alone puts limits on level.
then again maybe it was at kree when we stole the idol! while making an offereing you know how dante mouths off! How you supposed to get around that ONE bandit thats good? Parmanian
Make everyone wait, nab the idol, leave the barbarians alone, and get all the fate points you can stomach for your trouble? That's where I finally lost patience with Magnus, by the way. That "GOOD" barbarian was beating the snot out of Virgil so I lobbed a grenade her way, and Magnus turns on ME??? Stupid AI. Pfft.
Thanks. Thought there might be a way talking with Willy Thorndup, who says there are Halycon monks in Roseborough (who I never found).
All it is is that Voridian's blessing is really good and leans more to technicle. That is why I won't do the blessing because I get more bonus to dx from other blessings. O also if I have 5 in persuation. How do i get 12 more???
your skills will go past 5 but you won't see it of course! Thanks canis about stingy peete, I've never seen him yet, just talked about with capt teach. Parmanian