I am thinking about getting Swyft since with the background Chartalan's Protege your charisma can be 14 add the 5 points at the start add another point at level 2 and you already have 20 charisma so is their a way to get to Quintarra at level 9 so the levels will be even.
I really don't know why you would want that snivelling brat! You don't need to be cha 20 until lvl 15 when you get chukka, so put them points someplace else. Plus in tarant you do the crystal ball quest and get the jewel of hebe from the temple, that saves you 2 more points. And become expert in persuation to get 6th follower. Just do the crystal ball thing AFTER you have returned the stolen painting! This way you should have: Virgil Sogg Jayna Dog Magnus Gar Dante at lvl 15 Chukka at lvl 19 Jormond (qintarra) at lvl 22 Thorvald There yah have it your 6 regular and 4 free followers. Then let them do all the fighting, sit back and watch them get in each others way! Parmanian.........lots of people is fun!
You can force Hardin's Pass, but it is going to be hard to live through at level 6 or 7. Swyft is cute & a pain, and she cannot wear armor. Ch 12 is all that is needed to get Chukka. And a slot, of course. If you want an extra free folower, pick her up when you get Jormund. 10 levels behind is not too much, & with any luck, she will get herself killed.
Swyft?? I always kill her! She is nothing more then an easy way to pick up a few experience points(by taking her bitch ass to Tarant)