While leaving the BMC and playing ugly stick I figured I go and get her blessing for finding the idol. BUT I could not get any response from whatevers his name but just looking for work. I had to pick the key and return the idol. She doesn't ask about him and of course doesn't bless him, so lost exp there i guess. i got what I came for though! Parmanian
I think you have to have pretty high intelligence and persuasion to talk him into giving you the key.
thats it, the intelligence, I had 4 ranks persuation and only 8 INT. thanks for reminding me, this was the first time I tried it so early to get that BE point. Usually I'm 10 INT when I did the quest. Parmanian
I usually prefer bumping up intelligence to charisma, as intelligence is far more useful. Once I hit 12 charisma, and 3 ranks of persuasion, I leave it alone. Most of the quests that need charisma only need 3 ranks of persuasion or less, but some of the intelligence requirements can be pretty steep. Plus, I usually play a technologist, so intelligence is doubly handy there.
yeah but I'm one of those that has to have 10 followers of various backgrounds and ones that wait forever for me. Parmanian
I usually prefer using intelligence potions for triggering dialog. Have enough to maintain the number of spells you want, enough for whatever skills or tech items you want regularly, other than that potions are great.
but them potions just don't last long enough to maintain spells! and with manuals, the manuals go back to the INT rating that you are without the potions. i don't believe the manuals raise again when you equip them again. Parmanian
Hmm? Manuals will set to what your intelligence is when you stick them in your inventory, no matter if the potion wears off while you're using them. Anyway, I love the +10% bonus to skills too much to rely on potions rather than the real thing.
Oops. What I meant to write: Have enough Intelligence to maintain the number of spells you want and for whatever skills or tech items you want regularly. Otherwise, I use potions, especially for dialog options. Potions work great with manuals. Just be sure to add to them to your inventory immediately after using the potion.
Intelligence is like persuation............. No body thinks they need it, just like constitution. There are a lot of interacting between these traits. Parmanian