I've heard so much about this one I though I'd give it a try. The BE=3 is a trip, the only one that likes you is virgil (61) went to get sogg and he was (13) even after buying him a beer it went to (18). I even had to convince the shop owners to sell to me! The stupidity on my part......... didn't get beauty spell on character creation. Now sogg is in the (60's) and virgil went to (91)! Play on with the bonuses now! Parmanian PS Using the BE spell works a lot better than having a regular 7 BE score. Something else is factored in the spell other than just raising beauty!
BE only raises your STR, DEX, and combat skills. It's therefore largely wasted on a mage, a pure one at any rate. The negative BE isn't a huge deal though, even if you never get the beauty spell.
Actually, I find myself using this one quite a bit with my elven magickers. The bonuses are nice, and with the Jewel of Hebe, Ring of Influence, and priestess's blessing I never notice the beauty hit.