Without the Dominate Will/Reflection Shield exploit, your Follower Limit will be six. One for every 4 points of charisma, and a bonus for persuasion expertise. Then there's the free followers who won't count against your Limit: Dog, Dante, and Jormund. So, I suppose you could have nine if you really wanted to. Myself, I like small parties. (Oh, and my math sucks. I could be totally wrong about all of this.)
you forgot the free follower Thorvald I usually have 14 with cha 20 but 4 are waiting. Its just me and my 10 followeers! I like BIG parties Parmanian
i'd like to avoid putting lots of points in charisma, what 3 followers would you suggest for a firearms/electic/mechanical oriented technologist? in combat i just use guns, i havent gotten anything like a tesla coil yet but i'd just use that to build a tesla gun anyway, i'm planning on using the healing jacket and chapeau of magnetic inversion. right now i've only got to followers, virgil and magnus... virigil seems kind of useless, is he essential to the storyline in any way? i mean, he seems that way at the begining, but this is my first game so i dont really have any clue at all also whats a god lightweight armor? the healing jacket sounded like a good one, am i wrong? i wouldnt know cause i'm a friggin n00b. :/ so yeah, should i just dump virgil for that techy healer in cumbria?
theres 4 free followers in the game that don't count against the cha. Virgil is good to have for the story line throughout the game. magnus is good for making crap that you can sell. Should have got sogg way back when and even it you didn't want to keep him you always just USE them. Sebastion can make your techie stuff but hes level 30 and a long way down the road for you right now. gar is fun, chukka is the best for mules and damage done with his str getting to 26. so use them until your done with them. Better go get dog in ashbury though and get him now! and keep him! Now don't go asking how to get dog, theres a hundred previous posts about it. Parmanian
whos sogg? i'm on my way to finding the wheel clan, (i have to make those silly crystal glasses) is there still a way for me to get him? yeah i know, but i didnt know about him when i first went to ashbury, and i was only there for like ten seconds just to see what it was like... i didnt think about any first time visit only type deals... i guess i'm hosed, but whats so great about dog?
Well he's a walking, fluffy, growling death machine who eats Ore Golems for snackie for one thing. Rustic Finery. Arcanum is a roleplaying game. Unlike, say, Morrowind. If you don't like Virgil then dump him, end of story. No follower is essential. Nothing worse than the Virgil-haters who go on and on and on about how lame he is instead of dumping him and getting on with life.
just the best fighter in the game and hes free! Sogg is in the hotel of SH. What I do at creation is put 1 point in cha (=9) then instead of fighting at the crash site, go to SH get sogg then come back and clean things up. When walking past the altar stay far to the northeast and follow the mountain southeast and you won't have to fight the baddie then, you can finish him off when sogg is in the party. Parmanian
Franklin Payne can also be a free follower. I think it only works if you have high charisma/persuasion. I worked for me. Make someone wait, let him join,make him wait, get back whoever you made wait, then get back franklin.
you must have had an open slot you didn't know you had! Franklin has never been free to me and I'm a master persuation and 20 cha. Parmanian
well, what about thorvald? i didnt know anything about him joining the party when i was there the first time, is there a way i can go back and get him to join me? or is he a lost cause now too?
you can only go to the ISLE once. and if you want thorvald to join you then be lvl 21 or higher and a couple of ranks of persuation AND don't be a gnome. Intelligence may be a factor but I'm at 10 at the time I meet him. Well sleek....... take the info you have acquired thus far and start a new game or go back to a saved game you could use! Just like any other game, find out the little hints then use them. Parmanian
Do automstions count against follower limit. And I found something stupid if you have a medical arachnid and like to let it walk around to save inventory space. Then go buy tickets for a boat or train you have to pay for it but if you keep it inside your inventory you don't have to pay for it. How many follower are equal to 20+ gypsy blessing+god blessing+jewel of hebe+reputation you get with Lady Druela?
Thanks a bunch Parmanian, that helped, i wouldve continued thinking i could go back again if i paid teach, but its all good, i had seperate ve game from right before i left for the isle the first time, so i'll go level up and put some points in charisma/persuasion. thanks
I think arronax also comes for free at the end of the game. My ugly, uncharismatic, and unpersusive dwarf could only have one follow: I used Jayna. But at the end Arronax joined me so I think he's free
wait a sec, doesnt arronax want to destroy the world? and arent you supposed to save it? how did you get him to join? EDIT:nm, may be i just havent gotten far enough in the game yet i guess... sorry for this spammy usless message spamspamspamspamspamspamspamspamspamspamspamspamspamspamspamspamspamspamspamspamspamspamspamspamspamspamspamspamspamspamspamspamspamspamspamspamspamspamspamspamspamspamspamspamspamspamspamspamspamspamspamspamspamspamspamspamspamspamspamspam
Janya is the techies best friend & almost indispensible. Her therapudics will give you + 2 each ST, DX, & PE. Both Janya & Vergil need bandages to heal you. Thorvald needs Persuasion 3 IIRC.