I can't finish the William Bench quest. There seems to be two solutions, but neither work for me: 1) Get Him To Attack You I took precautions (got my party to wait, took off my sword) and even walked away after I insulted Bench (so he'd hit me in the back)...yet I die along with Bench. I even tried the Scroll of Exiting, but I still die even though I never touch Bench. 2) Tell Him You Work For Bates I boosted my Charisma and Persuasion (just to get through this one quest) and yet I'm never given the "I work for Bates" option in the dialogue.
1. Are you in real time or turn based? If real time then you'll automatically counterattack when you're hit, despite not having a weapon - you'll go for unarmed combat. If you stay in turn based then you can goad him into attacking you. Before you do anything, hit F5 to tell all your followers to back off and not attack, then just skip your turn by pressing the green arrow. The other men will attack you too and as soon as they lay their first hits will be 'Quench Lifed'. 2. You have to be a friend of Bates in order to do this one. If you're on bad terms, working for appleby or have killed him then you won't get this option.
I think in realtime mode there is a way to turn off the autoequip function in the options menu so that when he attacks you, you don't equip your weapon. I think that is how I got through that quest.
There is an option to turn off the auto attack back feature. Perhaps thats what youre referring to Phoenix.
Perhaps, it's been awhile since I had to use it. Also, as for the not being able to persuade him to leave, how high is you intelligence. I'm not sure how high it needs to be to convince him but I know several times I had to use potions to get my intelligence high enough to convince people of things.
Wierd bug in my game every I get Bench to attack me he dies of course. Then Magnus attacks all of his men FIRST then they die when they hit back. There's something peculiar about that dwarf.
I think Magnus should get an award for Arcanum's Buggiest NPC. None of the others can generate a world map encounter after you have stolen their goods and slain them, demanding that you give their stuff back. Virgil comes in close second because they can both chastise you for attacking an obviously evil creature before it attacks you. Magnus seems to have more double-standards, though.
To get away with attacking Bench you can just use a fate point to save against magic. If you get your followers to wait , then set the fate point and attack Bench he should die but not you.
I just got a long ways away with the Looking Glass Rifle equiped on me and the Long Range Pistol on Vollinger; used prowling, and cut the fuckers down from a long distince away... it saved tyme and energy... and when they ran at me I had virgil and magnus start attacking them with swords...
I just used the turn-based combat and pressed F5 to get my follwers to back off as soon as the combat started, then I skipped the turn. The loggers then attack me and my followers and then they die. Fairly simple and only a few minor cuts and bruises. =) -Stuart
You can insult the logger and make him attack you first. He hits you, he and his party dies. Or you can use Persuasion and your brains to get them out peacefully.
in one of my games when i ended the schuylers lives he said some things nad i replied like saying i think u better leave now and then my whole party gets quenched