Ok, I come in flying on something and it crashes and I'm the ONLY survivor. Go me! So I continue on, pick up a friend, he wards off a foe for me and we fight a few wolves, go around some mountains and then i'm in this wide open space. It goes FOREVER AND EVER and I never see or fight anything. I come up on some water that leads me to the bridge. I say I'm going to destroy the bridge watchamacallits but I only have one match book to do that. It won't let me pick up the matchbook after I've thrown it and destroy one pile of the bridge components. I can't beat the guys they hit too hard, I can't pick pocket as he catches me. I don't have 1000 pp to pay the toll and so.....now what? Do I need to go back to the crash site and get more matches? Thanks for the help guys!
Never mind, it seems I went totally past Shrouded Hills. I'm sure I could find out the answers I need from here on out. Thanks anyway =)
Did you try travelling by World Map? You would have noticed the blue world icon when it's available. Unless you are playing fullscreen, then you must press 'W' to get the map or 'F12' to troggle the menu on/off. It will save lots of time then seeing all the world walking around.
Could you please explain again, more comprehencively? From what I managed to understand, you walked out of the Crash site and travelled the wilderness without using the World map. Read Dedeco's advice on this matter. You can't get any more boxes of matches in the Crash site, the items in chests and dead bodies don't respawn. If you have difficulty getting past the thieves in Shrouded Hills, invest one character point into persuasion. If you get the dialogue right, you can persuade them to give you the key and get out of town, and they will even pay you 200 gold. You also get a fate point. (And if you kill them after that, you get another one )
How come you get a fate point for killing theives, but not being the sole survivor of the blimp crash? If you want to destroy the wood piles, go into attack mode, then hold alt and click the the wood. You may want Virgil to back off, F5, and just worry about healing you, because you will get hurt. Also you could just stop attacking and rest. Your you could do quests in Shrouded Hills and just shoot the theives.
Every PC is the Dirigible Crash survivor. Not every PC kills the thieves. It is not a blimp damnit. It has a frame.
Aundrea, your problem is the funniest thing i've ever heard... didnt you ever wonder why the button with the globe on it turned blue?lol think about what she'd have asked when she got out of shrouded hills! "i spent sixty hours walking my characters directly east, then i got held up by some orc bandits and died, i havent found tarant yet, and i reloaded in shrouded hills!"
The funniest part is about the matchbook! I guess he's talking about the matchbook from the Rosebourough Inn. Man...........
But I never tried to use it to start a fire, so even newbies can teach us something. I tried to burn the Bridge Materals by throwing a lantern at them once.