I've searched, flicked through my manual and puzzled over how to use the 4 spells inside the charming medallion. Tell me, tell me... :-?
The button to the left of your quick items should light up with the symbol of magic when you equip spell items.
No it's not lighting up. That's why I'm so confused. I'm patched, elven, bg miricle operation. Slightly tech +11 - would that be why...
No, you need a much higher Tech Aptitude before things don't light up the button as it were. Mind you, I can't remember that I ever found one of those amulets, but then I might just have sold it since I'´m almost exclucively tech. -Stuart
The Charming Medallion does not work. Niether does the Negotiator's Ring. I believe that either spells do not atach to items other than weapons, or the spells that were to be atached to these items did not make the final cut. Probably the former as Charm would be the natural spell for the Charming Medallion.
Hmmm, that's frustrating. Thought it would've been fixed in a mod or something if it was a mistake... Thankyou