
Discussion in 'Dungeons & Dragons Discussion Forum' started by Shadygrove, Sep 25, 2003.

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  1. Shadygrove

    Shadygrove New Member

    Likes Received:
    Aug 29, 2002
    I have been in the game long enough to see how it runs. My coments;

    The NPCs have more of a life than in Arcanum or Fallout. I mean aside from your portion of the game. Early on you can find a couple who argue in front of you. You can get married, I certainly hope spouses are more useful than Davin & Maria.

    The combat runs like a dream. I really like the radial menus.

    The evil start is flat hilarious. I do not think I will ever spacebar through it.

    Your spells can hit party members. No automatic saves against your own spells as in Arcanum. Watch those area effect spells like Fireball & Sleep. Put half my own party to sleep in a fight. :lol: No more calling down fire strikes on your own position & emerging unscathed.

    I find it odd after all my Arcanum time that I cannot put things in dressers, sleep in beds, or have a lot of inanimate objects light up. No trash picking either, no trash cans. I wonder how the inhabants dispose of junk. But then they don't need to employ the trash rotators that Arcanum has in every city & town.

    Acording to the chat with the developers, to get a "T" rating, the whorehouse was cut. :cry: Some NPCs & dialog as well. A few quests also. Can we hope for a mature rated follow up? Hasbro owns Wizards of the Coast who own D&D. Hasbro :roll: .

    Gripe, the neutral starting quest is to look up Hommlet's Druid. You easily find his understudy, but you cannot ask him about the local Druid. He could be unhelpful, a "gee. I haven't seen him since the (name) festival X weeks ago" response, but no mention whatsoever. Also, when a Druid speaks to this apprentice, she only gets the same "tell me about the old religon"lines as the rest of the party. No Druidic theological discusion at all.

    Yes Canis, there is a plot, not just hack & slash. There is a fair bit of hack & slash. But you knew that.

    If you are good, have a cleric study Detect Evil for town use, contrawise for the evil party.
  2. Draconix

    Draconix New Member

    Likes Received:
    Apr 13, 2003
    Hello all Im sure you vaguely remember me, I bought the game today and played with it some. there is one thing that bugs me...when you try to scroll up the screen, its slow but if you use the keypad arrows it goes quicker. I wish you could tilt the angles of view or zoom in or zoom out on the chars.
  3. Canis

    Canis New Member

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    Nov 17, 2002
    From what I've been reading over at RPG Codex and the IPLY boards, the plot and roleplaying are wafer thin and it's all about the glorious combat. "What Icewind Dale shoulda been" seems to be the consensus. Of course the people already familiar with the module have been saying it would be like this all along, but normal people were expecting Troika to do something more with it, especially given some of Tim Cain's statements during development.

    Well, maybe I'll get it on sale or when it hits the bargain bin. I just can't see paying full price for another dungeon crawl. Most people seem to like it, and just about everyone says it's a lot of fun, but it's not what I was hoping for and it's definitely not something I'm really in the mood for right now. Can't say the D&D aspect or the Teen rating really has me excited either.


    Oh, and I found this funny:

    Divine Divinity has a Teen rating, and it's got a whorehouse. IIRC you can even sleep with an NPC of your own sex for some extra kinkiness. It's not graphic (neither is Madame Lil's), but it's there, so clearly a whorehouse by itself isn't enough to get a game rated Mature.
  4. Sleek_Jeek

    Sleek_Jeek New Member

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    Jul 2, 2003
    areally good buy would be clive barker's "undying" its so scary and awesome and the magic/weapon system is eally sweet. even the weapons are purposely reminiscent of the 1800's (similar to arcanum).

    so if you like arcanum's time period, and you also like being scared shitless, then this is definitly the single player experience for you. clive barker's books are simply amazing, his game is just as good.

    so if you're sick of dungeon crawls and in need of a good heart attack, go out and get this game. its been out for about a year so you can get it for about 15 dollars.
  5. Icairus

    Icairus New Member

    Likes Received:
    Oct 12, 2002
    You mean the Chaotic, Neutral or Lawful Evil?
    They are all different you know. I liked the Chaotic Evil.
  6. Shadygrove

    Shadygrove New Member

    Likes Received:
    Aug 29, 2002
    OMG! From reading the pre release stuff, I had expected three & just did the vertical neutral set. Just looked at the Lawful Evil start. 5 more to go. Bye.

    The Neutral Evil was the one I thought funny.
  7. Dark Elf

    Dark Elf Administrator Staff Member

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    Feb 6, 2002
    Horay! I've got it! I was strolling around in a store today, and happened to see ToEE waiting for me at the shelves. One minute later I was standing outside the store with 479:- less, which nearly gave me a heart attack, but hell, I have ToEE!

    Now, I've downloaded all the fixes Canis so kindly gave us, so now it's only a matter of time before I've completed the Character Creation process (which, since it's me, will take eons).

    Actually, I've only done one character yet. An elven paladin. I can't believe it myself, but these are my stats:

    STR: 18
    DEX: 18
    CON: 15
    INT: 16
    WIS: 16
    CHA: 17

    And that's on the 3rd roll baby. Can't expect to be so lucky again, I believe...
  8. Sleek_Jeek

    Sleek_Jeek New Member

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    Jul 2, 2003
    ho;y cow! 479? i guess its not as much as it would be if it were dollars, what is that in us currency? 50 dollars? just wondering... i'll probably get the game eventually, after 3 months or so. i'm cheap that way, after the price is down to 35 bucks i'll pick it up.

    what are the character classes available? or to rephrase, which ons dthose of you with the game prefer?
  9. Dark Elf

    Dark Elf Administrator Staff Member

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    Feb 6, 2002
    Live mid-market rates as of 2003.10.04 11:38:31 GMT.
    479.00 SEK
    Sweden Kronor = 62.3701 USD
    United States Dollars
    1 SEK = 0.130209 USD 1 USD = 7.67997 SEK

    That was a fairly good page for converting currencies:

    Seems that the dollar has dropped. It use to be around 8.50.

    I should had done that too. It feels bad to loose that amount of money when you know that you could get it cheaper later. Still, it's a well-worth investment (this game is good folks!)

    It's the standard D&D setup. 11 base classes. In no particular order:


    For one, you may scrap my paladin. I couldn't bear it. Without spoiling too much, let's just say that having an ale or two at the local inn turns you into a Fallen Paladin... that's strict! Too bad, too bad - and I won't be able to roll up those stats again for sure.

    As for my favourite class... that tends to change. Currently I'm into wizards, but if you ask me a week from now I'll probably reply with something else.
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