There should be a long forgotten race that became extinct a long time ago and people have lost all records of there existence. like goblins for example could be the guardians of magic so the recent rise of thechnology has awoken them and they are super pist off. :thumbup: or :thumbdown: what does everybody think?
i think it could have potential but you need to have something techie happenin in there as well :rifle: :thumbup: :thumbdown: :minigun:
a techie example could simply be visitors from elsewhere that have been stranded, while they would be more advanced at tech than the rest of arcanums races they would be limited to waht they could recall and what is available to use, though this may be to far fetched.
You know, the first thing that pops up in my mind when someone mentions something along the lines of "Ancient Races in Arcanum" is the giants, though that would require something to happen with the ogres - maybe a sorceror strengthening the old enchantment that once upon a time diversed giants from the human strain? Maybe I am too far-fetched... Besides, I guess you couldn't have giants as a playable race. Their massive strength-scores would probably pull them too far off balance (like half-ogres aren't enough :roll: ) Arcanum with aliens? Wow... you know, why not? If only they are implemented properly, I can't see any trouble with that. All the technological devices they could have... and space ships! Now the people who are desperate for vehicles got something to chew at! Could be tricky to include them as a playable race though, unless they don't look to quirky. But this may or may not be a good scenario for a sequel. What if the bad guy was, in fact, a very evil alien with world-domination plans? Bah, too much Alundra for me I guess...
Prhaps the Vendrigrothians were more advanced than we have thought, and they escaped, only to return now?
that seems motre fitting than my idea,, though the vendigroths could just of gone into bunkers to flee from arronax rather than more extreme measures, this would enable a smother integration into arcanum.
This is beginning to sound an awful lot like Fallout 1+2. People hiding away in bunkers/vaults until it's time to rise again. *grins* -Stuart
lol yeah, they could have gone into the vaults because they knew herghan was coming and they thought the apocolypse was coming to they hid in their apocolypse-proof vaults til a time when they knew it would be safe to come out. and at that point they feel like complete idiots...
Hmm. Khergan got banished years before Arronax laid waste to Vendigroth and most of the Vendigrothians didn't believe that Arronax could do what he did. -Stuart
yes, but now the ones who DID believe are going to look like a bunch of ass holes when they come out of their vaults, hence the ensuing conflict.
Their decendants you mean, since they would have been locked inside their vault for about 2000 years. Assuming that we're talking about a sequel to Arcanum and not a prequel. -Stuart
a prequel wouldnt really work as lots of the colleges of magic nd tech are recentish and with us wanting new items spell etc in arcanum2 if it ever happens, it would be the decendants, unless the people used a spell from the temporal college to freeze themselves!
Why wouldn't a prequel work? The current technological race is "recentish", right. But magick is very, very old - in fact, much of it has faded away (there were originally 8 spells in each college). And as for technology, there was this place called Vendigroth... So, in a prequel, there are options to include tons of new stuff. What's your point exactly? :-?
true, i was not really with it at thetime of posting the last one, plus i suppose with the rise of tech an fall of magic many magic colleges could have been lost
Thats an idea make it so that that ancient race brings back all the lost magick colleges and tech schools.