Blackblade. I just downloaded her files. I NEED to find this girl. Those pictures are simply AMAZING, and I need to know who made them. If anyone knows please post. Or if anyone has her email please give me that too. I haven't found anyone willing to do my graphics for me who's better than I am, and that's amazing considering how much I suck. I know she probably won't even help me, but if I don't try, I'll never know, will I?
I will see if I can translate the mass of garbled characters making Blinky's post. They are not exactly coherent. To quote Maddox: "There are pigs that can manipulate joysticks, yet you morons can't even send me an intelligible email." Now on to my attempt to babelfish. Blinky was looking through something and somehow stumbled upon the profile of a member of this board called Blackblade. Now this Blackblade has a website. On this website there are a bunch of portraits for Arcanum, and for the most part they are vastly superior. Now Blinky wants to get in some sort of contact with this Blackblade, as he says himself: "I NEED to find this girl." And that's all I have to say about that.
Well, I can self translate, I'm not so excited about finding her, although I still really want to talk to this girl. I was looking for an avatar for Arcanum mp, I'm getting bored of my generic human male number 1 picture. So I downloaded a file from my clan site, portraits by blackblade. In this file, are 150 absolutely breathtaking pictures. And It sturck me that, since I need someone to make graphics for me anyway, this girl might be the person I'm looking for. And if anyone can help me find her, I would really appreciate it.
I take it it's those 150 pics which display when you enter her site. Unfortunately a number of those are taken from other games. Hence there is a chance that she just gathered pictures she likes from various sources as she didn't make them. She doesn't even claim anywhere to have made them.
Yea, I've tried to contact her though there, but to no avail. Is she somehow loast in the Internet? I don't care if she actually made them, she would know where she got them. Yea this whole idea is stupid, but I am really trying to get some decent graphics for this expansion. No offense to anyone else, but I get annoyed when you can just blatantly tell, ok he just made that, and that's from the expansion.
this is going to sound a bit odd, but if any of them were from Baldur's Gate (post a link on here and I can prolly tell ya, I've got nearly 1000 portraits designed for BG) then I would recommend contacting one of the major BG sites, as many of them have their own portrait creators, and *might* know who created them... so if any are BG portraits then I can prolly help ya hunt down the creator, considering it's usually fairly easy...
you can download the portraits on this site, I am rather internetally challenged so I probably won't be able to get a link up. Although, I have amazed myself before, so I may edit this with one.
Awww, blinky just made up a word, good for you blinky, it's nice to see people pushing the edges of grammatical credibilty.