GREAT SITE :thumbup: and even better forums - just thought I should say that. COME ON PEOPLE - Back me up on this one ! :razz:
Ah, sure this is a great forum. I mean, I'm here, so what could be better eh? Seriously though, I've only been a member of two forums in my day, so the comparison may lack some structure, but when you compare these boards to the NWN boards, this place owns. I have like 1350 posts at the NWN boards. That without spamming. I haven't been there for a few months. Returned. Do you think anyone remembers who I am? Hell no. Those boards are so spammacious, big, dull and boring, nobody remembers who you are if you quite posting for a month. Oh well, I lost interest in NWN, so I guess it's just natural that I quit their boards. Maybe I should go and make a "Farewell" thread just for the sake of it... This forum, however, rumbles! There are so many great personalities here (including my sexy self), quitting it would be unthinkable*. *Besides, I wouldn't want to crush everyones hearts, would I?
if you want to see a spamascious board, check out 's board. its like a chat room, except if you say anything you have to leave and come back. by the time you get back to the thread there could be anything from 1-12 posts answering your question in the space of like 2 minutes. i posted there for about 3 days and then i got fed up and left. i still like the site though... the content rocks. i've had an account there for about years, but i never review anything so i still have a newbie avatar, but whatever.... <walks away still talking to himself> ramble ramble ramble
Sleek, I was gone the space of two-three weeks, during which the board as down a good portion, yet you still have managed to get your post count up another hundred, and despite your being more disgusting and spammy then me, you STILL haven't gotten banned, or threaten! What the hell?! :/ :-? :/ P.S DU, for about 3-7 days I was getting a "INTERNAL ERROR HOL IS CURRENTLY DOWN" message when attempting to create a new account, do you know what it was/is? I know Dark Elf was getting it also, as he questioned me as to if I had done it in vengence for being banned (I didn't) so what caused it? any clue?
So what was the cause of it? Any clue? and how did Sleek's post count manage to go up nearly 100 during that space in tyme?