A message for Matt_Thorn, aka Silvio Arzunja

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Jarinor, Oct 11, 2003.

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  1. Jarinor

    Jarinor New Member

    Likes Received:
    Aug 5, 2001
    Or whatever your name is now. I have a message for you, and I'm doing it in public so everyone can know about this at the same time.

    You, monsieur, are on your last warning. After all the spam, the gravediggings, the threats, etc, if you slip up one more time - and it doesn't matter how - you ARE getting banned. One more useless, spammy message, ridden with spelling mistakes and smilies will see you 'banished to the void'.

    Consider yourself warned - in fact, post a simple 'I read this and I understand' once you've read it. Oh, anyone else posting will have their posts deleted.
  2. Silvio-Arjunza

    Silvio-Arjunza New Member

    Likes Received:
    Aug 30, 2003
    heh.... other than the post regarding HL2 I'm going to be mainly ghosting the forum Jar, relax... my spamming days have come to an end... I'm posting solely in the modding forums, minus the occasional post here... and while I already knew this was coming... I'm amazed you waited so long to post it... I figured it would've come right after I grave-dug that post... meh, oh well, a warnings a warning... and if you quit editing all my posts I promise to spam as little as possible.
    [edit] oh, and I'm currently TRYING to make sure all of my posts are good, so while I'm posting quite a lot less than I used to, I'm working to make sure that all posts are good... aah... I'm beginning to sense an air of change slowly flowing over this board... :) :lol: :) [/edit]
    [edit edit] oh, and if there are any modders or gamers who are willing to help on a project for Arc please let me know... I'm currently attempting to gather a group of forum members who will assist me with building the Kingdom of Lizards mod... my plans well exceed the size of Arcanum itself, and I can use all the help I can get... and yes, I do know this is off topic, but it's free pubilicity... so I'll put it to good use... [/edit edit]
  3. Silvio-Arjunza

    Silvio-Arjunza New Member

    Likes Received:
    Aug 30, 2003
    Ok, I had a (kinda) short conversation with Dark Elf via Msn, and he suggested I tell you this: Getting banned from HoL would NOT be the first board I was banned from... I was banned from a Baldur's Gate Board for attempting to instill an uprising... :D and I got kicked from a Gothic (as in the game, which is worth buying, btw) forum for hitting on a Moderator too much... oh well, she had it coming to her... :roll: and yes, I do know this post is fairly useless, but I felt like tellin y'all that I've been banned before, though I don't think I'm gonna get banned from HoL.
  4. Jinxed

    Jinxed Active Member

    Likes Received:
    Aug 13, 2001
    Wow, so you're a troll. How amusing.
  5. Jarinor

    Jarinor New Member

    Likes Received:
    Aug 5, 2001
    What on earth makes you think I'm not going to dance a jig when you slip up (as you inevitably will) and I get to click the button that bans you? It's nice to know that you're not just directing your delusions of grandeur and teenage angst at this board though. For a minute there I thought it was personal, but now I realise that you actually have a problem with authority, of which many sufferers have a low intellect.
  6. Silvio-Arjunza

    Silvio-Arjunza New Member

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    Aug 30, 2003
    correction good sir! I am NOT your typical low-witted teenager, I am actually a fairly smart, fairly logical person... I just have this... problem... with going nuts in forums on occasions... and the thought of a moderator dancing a jig and then jumping on a giant "BAN" button is a pretty funny one... (That's what I pictured when you said that) and there's nothing personal about this battle we waged, it was just a battle, though who won I cannot say, I believe it was you, but who knows, who cares? and what does angst mean? I've heard that word so much, and I have a clue as to what it means, but no solid ideas. About my problem with authority: it's mainly in forums, I'm actually an upstanding citizen, minus participating in local punk concerts, which tends to scare local police... but anyway! I'm a boyscout outta Troop 466 in Washington, which may amaze you, but were you to speak to me in person you'd be even less believing (I am classified as "goth" though goth I am not)... but anyway, that's my spiel about it! for that matter, what's spiel mean as well? I think I got it right... but I'm not positive... and weren't you in some ways akin to me back in your day? speaking of which, WHEN was back in your day?
  7. Icairus

    Icairus New Member

    Likes Received:
    Oct 12, 2002
    I think you just proved yourself wrong on that.
    Assuming I had no prior idea of what angst means, it took me 15 seconds to find this on m-w.com:
    Main Entry: angst
    Pronunciation: 'ä[ng](k)st, 'a[ng](k)st
    Function: noun
    Etymology: Danish & German; Danish, from German
    Date: circa 1942
    : a feeling of anxiety, apprehension, or insecurity

    A few words of advice: try not disproving yourself in your own post. Try to use at least some form of "paragraph format" - break up your ideas so that it is not just a garble of sentences.
  8. Jarinor

    Jarinor New Member

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    Aug 5, 2001
    Sure you are. I see reams of evidence supporting this in each and every one of your posts...

    Sounds like it happens too often to be 'on occasion'...

    I already told you - way back when.
  9. Silvio-Arjunza

    Silvio-Arjunza New Member

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    Aug 30, 2003
    I am actually fairly smart, I would use my grades as proof, but any idiot can get good grades... and I am TRYING to clean up my posting... so while it may take some tyme, it's a WIP...
    Have any of you checked out my website? it's cool.... I'm a poet.
    Anyway! why're you so mean to ME? I'm trying to clean up my posting... why aren't you now going after Sleek since I'm working on cleaning up my act?
  10. RPjunkie

    RPjunkie New Member

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    Jul 5, 2003
    Hey! Matt/Silvio, or whatever you go by now, you say that you are a BSA member? Well, then your actions (what you have done here at HoL) are very UNbecoming of a Scout!!!!!!!!! :-(

    I say this not as some asshole or just to be a jerk/dick/'fucktard', but I say this as an EAGLE SCOUT!! :D If you are truly trying to 'change your ways' then perhaps you should just bite your tongue and take things with a grain of salt. And reply only when it proves to be prudent and relevent.

    I know that I outrank you in life and very certainly in scouting. So I am telling you to think long and hard before posting something that keeps making not only you, but your troop and troopleader(s), look bad as it shows that scouting has taught you very little or nothing at all. :/

    Remember the Scout Oath? Law? Your actions do not show that you know what they mean!!!!!!! :( :cry:
  11. Silvio-Arjunza

    Silvio-Arjunza New Member

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    Aug 30, 2003
    oh, gee, lemme point out a few things to you Senior Eagle Scout!
    1.Your post was pointless. therefore, DON'T POST IT! (I am suuch a hypocrit! :lol: )
    2. you must be Mormon, or in a Mormon troop, because I know no one who can be as retared as you (every post you've made recently is pointless) who has gotten there Eagle.
    3. I am a Boy Scout outta Troop 466 in Washington. I'm a troop guide, and DAMN PROUD of it!
    4.My activites are not unbecoming of a scout! there is no line in the Oath that says we must not spam! (actually, thanks to me most of my troop likes spam :D ) and there is nothing anywhere that states that spamming, or posting stupid comments, is not allowed! I was just out scouts tonight, and when you were a scout I know not, but if spamming and stupidity was banned when you were a scout, they seem to have messed up in not kicking you out...

    oh, btw, Congrads on being an Eagle, not many scouts get such an honor. :thumbup: :thumbup: :) :thumbup: :thumbup:

    Jar, do us all a favor, and lock this post and leave it as an example of how something smart, and pointful can go stupid and pointless, as this string did once we started bickering... the first two should've been all that was said, but now we've gotten down to arguing, and that's not kool... while I do enjoy a good arguement, I would rather meet you face to face and argue about the ethics of forums, instead of online where I have a tendincy to act stupid, and you have power. :/
  12. DarkUnderlord

    DarkUnderlord Administrator Staff Member

    Likes Received:
    Nov 10, 2001
    Oh god, they're talking about scouting. Stop the pain, please, stop the pain.

    ... give Silvio a nice avatar. That gerbil one that Bortiis had maybe. He can lose it when he actually DOES clean up his act.
  13. Silvio-Arjunza

    Silvio-Arjunza New Member

    Likes Received:
    Aug 30, 2003
    DU, what's wrong with scouting? and what's this picture you speak of? could you post it on here, or a link to the site it's on?
  14. Jinxed

    Jinxed Active Member

    Likes Received:
    Aug 13, 2001
    Might have a little fun I guess...
  15. Icairus

    Icairus New Member

    Likes Received:
    Oct 12, 2002
    Jinxed, could you please make the Geordi avatar a bit smaller, it is annoying as hell having that be twice as wide as all of the others. I assumed the goal would be to make _Thorn less annoying instead of more so.
  16. Dragoon

    Dragoon New Member

    Likes Received:
    Jul 27, 2001
    Heh I agree, besides it might make him think that he in some way messes up the forums thus is a winner. Btw I wouldn't be surprised if he told us he actually likes it.
  17. Jinxed

    Jinxed Active Member

    Likes Received:
    Aug 13, 2001
    What resolution do you guys use? 800x600?
  18. Icairus

    Icairus New Member

    Likes Received:
    Oct 12, 2002
    Res is 1024x768 and _Thorn's avatar is noticably wider than all of the other ones.
  19. Jinxed

    Jinxed Active Member

    Likes Received:
    Aug 13, 2001
    I already shrunk it. It's only 30 pixels wider. If that still doesn't cut it let me know.
  20. Silvio-Arjunza

    Silvio-Arjunza New Member

    Likes Received:
    Aug 30, 2003
    Since you guys have been speaking of me, allow me to enlighten you on a few things:
    1. I realize that I have made myself into an ass, and I'm working on undoing my damage.... well, ok, I can undo my damage, but I can turn things around from here...
    2.My name's Silvio, not _Thorn I dropped that name due to... a certain ex who provided me with multiple death-threats... (there's a Story behind Matt Thorn, but I'm not going to relate it)
    3. I like Star Trek, so Gordi isn't that big of an insult, I wasn't a huge fan of it, and I don't collect anything from it, but when my dad's watching it I'll sit and watch it with him... :)
    4. I, quite literally, cannot see shit without my glasses. I've got 20/400 vision, I can see pretty much nothing without my glasses. So the lack of sight isn't an insult, but I thank you for the creative idea, and the (fairly) cool avatar.
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