My character has stopped gaining levels. Well, stopped getting XPs, really. I'm only level 37, so it's not the level cap :smile: Anyone seen this before and if so, do you know a fix? Alex
so this is your "narrowing down the bugs" huh Jarinor? edit: for people that bought the game when it came out, how surprised where they when the game fucking crashed like a destruction derby! then a patch came out than had an a major shit bug! then they fixed it. Okay now the people waited 3 fucking months for a pathc that fixes most problems What the hell is that? if you bought the game now ok. But what about the people that had it straight away like me? And even the latest patch doesn't fix over 60% of the bugs. There is noway you will convice me of arcanums programming level man. _________________ Iyaan-na Kanji Nigecha dame da I'm gonna dance on your grave <font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Jinxed on 2001-11-17 16:05 ]</font>
Okay Jinxed, how many times have you come across this particular problem. I'm sure you had a very bad experience with your copy of Arcanum, but it's just that - your copy of Arcanum. Not everyone else is going to have the same experiences you had, nor will everyone had the same experiences I've had. I think that Troika did a great job on the game, you think they did a shit job. Fair enough. Have you ever tried programming though? I mean proper, fully fledged programmes? Incredibly difficult, I speak from first hand experience. Except that the program I was working on was pretty simple compared to most of the other programmes out there, and it is impossible to make a bug free programme. Impossible. There will always be bugs, and it is also impossible to catch them all, and fix them all, for everyone. So I says, stop your bitching :smile:.
sure, as long as there WILL be bugless console Japanese games, I will say that pc games are overpriced. And don't give me that programming is hard crap. If it would be like that then all games released console or not, would be bugged. since you can't update consoles, they don't release it untill they fixed EVERYTHING and the pc, well they go aah fuck it, let's release it anyway, we will patch it later. That's the kind of shit I hate on the computer market. and for 50$ comparing I pay the same for my PS2 games edit: and besides you missed my point it took them 3 months to fix bugs, It sucked for me and while I was posting on the forum when it came out, alot of people had their share of crashes, desktop exits, magnus bugs currupt saving games and so on. One guy emailed me for help saying arcanum won't even start on 3 of his computers! now that most of the crashing bugs are gone, you owning the game just now being so gung ho about it pisses me off, since I had to go through all the shit. So my tactic should be like this: for each troika game wait 3 months before buying the game untill it's not 50$ and it gets fairly playable 'casue of the bugs _________________ Iyaan-na Kanji Nigecha dame da I'm gonna dance on your grave <font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Jinxed on 2001-11-17 16:33 ]</font>
Have you actually programmed? I mean the type I outline before? It can be very difficult. Even console games aren't perfect. The difference is, everyone has the same configuration and set ups. There aren't different video cards, sound cards, operating systems, etc. Everyone has the exact same machine, therefore eliminating a bug on one, will eliminate a bug on another machine. There will always be bugs. Difference is that in consoles they are eliminate more of them before release. There's still a few remaining. They just hope they don't get noticed/exploited/whatever, or they know that the chance of such a bug occuring is very low. There is no such thing as bug free software. Every single software engineer in the world will tell you that. Mission critical software - air traffic control, programming for space ships etc - is supposed to have an error rate of less than 1 bug per 10000 lines of code. That is the highest quality code anyone is expected to produce. Console games aren't going to be any better than that, I'm sorry. If you think programming is so easy, make your own game (yes, I know I pulled out a cheap line, but it is effective :smile.
read my edit Jar. and also I think it's just unfair. I played good almost bugfree games on pc before that were alot cheaper than that. And troika did not do a good job stability wise. I know how it is with cosoles, optimization yes, it's one machine. that means it takes a hell of alot less work to make the game bugfree, and all console games are bugfree. I have consoles ps, dreamcast ps2 for over 5 years and never seen a buggy game. having that info, think this way, it takes alot longer to optimise the game on pc. LONGER. so moslty they don't do it! It's possible, but they are lazy or urged by their publishing contracts and release a game full of bugs and release a patch the next weekend. They are lame and do not take the time
I don't think either one of us is going to come around to the other's way of thinking. We're probably each end of the two extremes. Let's just drop it okay?
I just own a pc playing games too long to be happy 'cause of that. I'm a loyal costumer, I require more from the producers, than that. and they give me chitlings.
Riiiiiiiiiiight...personally, I choose my games very carefully. I don't have much money, and I don't waste my time on games (console or PC, the only console that I own is a Nintendo 64) that I buy just for the hell of it. If there's an Arcanum 2, or a sequel or some sorts, I will probably end up buying it, because I think Troika did a grand job on the game. However, that is the last I'm saying on this subject (at least in this particular thread). Hell, if there's a Fallout 3, I'll be getting that. I'm getting Civilisation 3, that's for damn sure (how is it Sheriff Fatman?)