Ok more specific. I am in the city of mages. I am doing the quest to speak with the spirit of Pelojarim and apparently i need his amulet to finish the puzzle with the symbols on the ground.. but i have spoken with everyone i dont have the amulet.. where do i get it? <font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: w()rmwood on 2001-10-23 10:08 ]</font>
Spoiler In the room surrounded by earth, air, fire and water symbols. Has a plus inside a circle on the door. When you unlock it the amulet should be on the floor.
Someone can give me a hint of where is this room? I have take a look in Tullus street and inside the wizard palace but I don't find it.
There's four locked buildings, you have to solve a puzzle to open them and get the stuff inside. ********SPOILER************* Pelojian's amulet can actually be identified and it has +40 magic resistance on it...like a Dorian amulet. *******/SPOILER*************
Re: Amulet in Tulla Here's a further hint. Even if you have the amulet, you have to unlock ALL of the four locked buildings before the spirit of Pelojian will talk to you. (Figured this one out the hard way...)
I opened the buildings by complete accident the first time around... I knew it had something to do with the symbols around Tulla, just didn't know exactly what...running around randomly, and this door popped open...:smile:.