does anybody create a FACEBOOK account for arcanum enthusiasts? Im planning to create one if nobody does.. that way we could communicate better and can attach FUNNY or EPIC FAIL photos about arcanum.
If I joined a facebook group then you would all see what I really look like, this would destroy the awesome perception you all have of me.
Upcoming Next; ArcanumVille !! Send Gears and pocketwatch parts to your neighbors and ask for their help to build Machined Platemail! Check for our item shop now! Automaton for only 2.99$ limited to this weekend, dont miss it!
Yeah... I found myself conflicted between locking and vaulting this thread, or just deleting it, in hopes that this topic never again is raised, considered, or spoken of. I think the next person to mention creating a Facebook Arcanum group gets the honor of having me delete their account, and then hunt down every single post, and delete it.