A couple of things. First, and I already asked this but no one responded so I ask again. DOES ANYONE KNOW WHERE THE AMULET OF LEADERSHIP IS??? I MEAN A LOT OF US HAVE BEAT THIS GAME AND THOROUGHLY EXPLORED IT BUT HAVE NOT RAN ACROSS IT?!?! I cannot believe that out of 1800 some users, most of whom but not all have beat the game and consider themselves knowledgeable experts on it (enough so to the point of answering "newbie" questions with some semblence of authority at least) SOMEONE SOMEWHERE does not know where this potentially invaluable piece of jewelry is? Say it isn't so George, say it ain't so... Also, what can anyone tell me as to the nature of the Ring of Influence? What does it do, exactly. I know where IT is though... The Caladon Crusading Mail. Does it really add to your max followers. So it sayeth, but I still have the same number, regardless of wearing it or not... Second, can you help me figure out why sometimes Dante will join me regardless of if I'm full up, sometimes won't, and same for Chukka? I'd love to know... Thanks Patrick Sullivan
The amulet is MIA. I got the same thing with the armor. The ring I think raises your charisma and beauty by 3 points. The follower thing is a glitch I think. Did you have dog and if so did you count him as a follower?
Amulet of leadership?? -I realy don't know. But I think that more of 5 followers can be realy shity. So many people!!! Some of them are useless(jayna,fellows in the void..). Ring of influence-yeah,it rises your ch/be.. And about Chucka...High CH&Persuasion And about Dante....U must be good-without G.T.Ashe in your party.And, If you done taxes quest before reaching Dante,I think taht he won't join you anymore....
Thanks for the help, Gamenut and Raziell. Yeah, I checked the Ring of Influence and it adds up to 3 points of charisma, beauty, AND 3 ranks (not CP) to Persuasion and Haggle. Sometimes just 2 to everything though. You know what, I think I am just going to have to plead with Troika to tell me where the d*mned amulet is, and while I'm at it, I might as well ask where in hell are those damned dwarves!!! (joke)...
It might be just another randomly spawning item or it simply didn't make the final cut. You'd think if it was in fixed place someone here would know where it was. Add to that as I've learned from experience just because its in the description.mes doesn't mean it is a finished and working item. When it comes to followers the game is a little buggy. Sometimes you can get more than should be able to but if you tell anyone to wait the limit kicks back in and they won't rejoin. And I have to agree with the others, large groups of followers is not always a good thing. Depending on your CPU/vid card theres a slowdown problem. Waroman comes to mind as a real fps eater. And of course the more your followers do in combat the less XP you get. That and they just get in each others way and if you have some with ranged weapons its a just a matter of time before someone gets po'd about being shot in the back and a civil war breaks out. Add to that you'll keep having path-finding problems. As you and the lead NPC's go though a tight area the ones in the rear will try and take an alternate path that involves circumnavigating the globe In my new game I'm going for quality over quanity. I've taken Educator for a background and am limiting myself to only recruiting NPC's with voice actors. <font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Otto Krupp on 2002-02-27 13:26 ]</font>
Yeah....... Yeah... Me too. From now I'll take only "real voice" NPCs like Virgil , Raven , Magnus , G.T.Ashe ,Torial Kel,Zul'.....
I am sure those of you who feel that "too many followers is a bad thing" have your reasons. I too see the value of a few followers; less clutter, more experience, less hassle, educator background leads to higher quality followers, and some people are just loners by nature. There are also several possible followers whose contributions are just too insignificant to warrant recruiting them. I as well went through a phase where I thought just to recruit voiced NPCs or those who had a significant contribution to the storyline. Now let me vindicate my point of view. First, a quote. "Quantity is a quality all of it's own"-Joseph Stalin. It is. I would be very cautious about saying that he does not have a point. The trick is the right KIND of quantity, yet even the poorest has its advantages. Pitiful followers can at the least soak up damage. But when you can create a large and well balanced army (excuse me, "security force" Mr. Bates) that function well together then YOU HAVE STRUCK GOLD! Second, I firmly believe that you can never have too many healers. Virgil, Dante, Perriman Smythe, Raven all significantly develop the white necro college. That is a significant advantage when four people in the group are spewing out healing while four (Dog, Gar, Chukka, and Sogg) are dishing out all the melee-dodge hurt they can muster. And with my temporal battle mage at their head, we have not run into a fight where there was ever the least bit of doubt who would turn out the victor. I borrow this next quote from Dragoon. "Nihil aliud scit necessitas quam vincere"-translated "nothing else one needs to know except how to win". I will be the first to say that there are as many ways to win as there are players; however, who would cut off his hand before entering a fight? I certainly wouldn't. I consistently benefit from a large party, and would consider throwing out the members of my group tantamount to such. To those of you who cry "BULLSHIT! I SHALL WIN ON MY OWN!" I salute you! Be wary however; just as there is a fine line between the crazy and the genious, there is also a fine line between bravery and stupidity... I leave you with this-enjoy the game. Enjoy it with a party of eight or with just you and your faithful mutt. But those of you would say "Behold! I know how many followers one should have or could have effectively" read what words I have provided you; ponder them, reflect and see if I too do not have a point, a very valid and successful point. And all glory to him who has the most guns... Salutations, and good afternoon. I go now to my bed to nap and ponder where on earth is that damn amulet.
Why don't you get a Undat utility and hack the invensource.mes? Then buy it and see if it even shows up and works. I'm not a 100% certain but it looks like the random stuff like chests are also in the invensource.mes. But I can tell for certain the Amulet of Leadership is not in there. BTW where did you hear about this little gadget? >Out of curiousity I checked it out. It shows as a hexed medallion but nothing noticeable happened when I equipped it. Adds +1 to max followers and is also supposed to give a reaction bonus but doesn't seem to from looking at stats and followers reactions. So assuming its in the game even and possibly not a random item. All you need to do is simply check every single location and NPC in Arcanum and you'll find it. <font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Otto Krupp on 2002-02-27 18:42 ]</font> <font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Otto Krupp on 2002-02-27 18:45 ]</font> <font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Otto Krupp on 2002-02-27 18:49 ]</font>
When I'm creating a party,I ALWAYS pick followers with different function in the game-Virgil(healer and my right hand),Dog(my raw melee force),Chukka(big and dumb,but he can be my walking inventory and a chrusher),Raven(bowman from safe distance and quite a babe in my party),Torian Kel(Superb fighter with sad past but with an axe of lost time he can make my enemies to pray for mercy),G.T.Ashe(lunatic that makes people run away,but his undead "friends" are very useful,Tollo Underhill(master-thief in my opinion, lockpicks,backstab and spot traps are his special and it's ciil to have thief in your group),Magnus(the coolest dwarf in al Arcanum - he's my weapon inventor and trapmaker),Smythe(wizard on the side of good with his healing and shielding functios),Sebastian(mad bomber and electro-man with cool gadgets in his pockets and he's quick on trigger as well),Payne(man of adventure with good fighting skills and sense of guns,man-he loves to brag!).... This is my schematic of my party: 1-me 2-Virgil 3-Fighter(Chukka,Gar,Toriel,Dog,Skug) 4-Mage(G.T.Ashe,Zul,Dante,Smythe) 5- "In handy" NPCs(Tollo,Vollinger,Payne,Sebastian,Magnus,Jayna) 6-Alternative(Aranoxx,Bane of Kree,Loghaire,Thorvald,Kraka-Tur..)
Amulet According to the official strategy guide, it can supposedly be bought at magic shops in Caladon, Ashbury, Tarant, Black Root, and Qintarra.
Umm, wrong. The strategy guide says only that they will BUY them, not HAVE them. Otto Krupp, how about those hacking instructions? Also, anybody care to comment on my tyrade about the quality and quantity of followers? Its that nice big read you just scrolled past...
Haven't tried the new GUI undat but you may be able to get just the files you need. Anyway you need "description.mes" from arcanum3.dat/mes and "invensource.mes" from arcanum4.dat/Rules. Find the item number in description.mes and add it to the store of your choice in invensource.mes. Directions are in the invensource file. Pretty simply stuff all you need is notepad to open the mes files. Cheater :razz: <font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Otto Krupp on 2002-03-04 18:19 ]</font> <font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Otto Krupp on 2002-03-04 18:21 ]</font>
Love you too, "Master" Krupp. These are files I can find in my file directory right? And what of this UnDat? Where can I get it, and how can I use it to simplify my hacking needs? Cheater I may well be, but following the old maxim "takes one to know one" you would not know these things had you not done so yourself, so kindly refrain from making judgements on my character unless you are willing to have them made on your own. I would have liked to have found the amulet by fair play first, foul only as necessary. But in all seriousness I thank you for the information and will try to implement it today. If I am having trouble I will either add a new post to this or email you personally. Thanks... Patrick Sullivan
Ouch that hurt my little feelings. I know these things from my research into Arcanum. I would like to add that I've invested a lot of my free time into this and always with the goal of sharing it with the rest of the community. That is whenever Smackrazor puts the damn site back up. I shall not assist you any further :razz: <font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Otto Krupp on 2002-03-05 16:20 ]</font>
Huh? Wait a minute...that's clever. Pretend that I hurt your feelings when in fact all I did was hit on the truth. Deny it all you want I've figured out your little ploy. That is the case, right?
I found it in Caladon, I dont remember where. I remember it was when I did one of my psycotic looting/plundering/killing/sacking/pillaging frenzies.