I am the ghost of Xan Emrys! I have come to announce that ye old internet access is now no longer slower than walking to the building housing the server I wish to access. And I'm in my room, to boot! Boogie!
Hmmm. Quite possibly. Though I have suddenly taken an interest in romance, which is unfortunate as it cuts into my valuable computer time. I guess, some days, I'll have to choose between playing Arcanum and talking about it. On the bright side, the girl I'm dating is a total knockout. Not to mention she has a brilliant personality. Xan Emrys
Ohhh, well girls are great. Unfortunately my life has been so hectic the past couple of years I haven't been able to date. Just had to stick with flirtin with all of em . Things should calm down here soon for me though (yay!).
Re: Hmmm. And for some reason I thought you were female.... actually come to think of it, I don't see anything wrong with that picture anyway. Carry on.
Hohoho I'm a legal adult. If you haven't gone on a date by my age, I'd say it's time to worry. Of course, I didn't start dating until 11th grade.... I was a late bloomer. Am. Am a late bloomer. The upshot of which is a longer lifespan, just like elves! *twinkle-eyes of a vacuous stare*
Unfortunately for me I go to an all boys school. :-( But fortunately it's next to an all girls school.
Lol, doesn't that kinda defeat the purpose of having an all boy and all girl school? Well I guess you aren't distracted while IN school
Exuse me but what is the point if going to school in you cannot sit drooling over the hot chicks in you class?
It's actually okay because you can still fantasize and a 15-30 minute from my school there's another all girls school. Imagine the school I go to is surrounded by 2 all girls schools.