Two questions: 1. Are there actual medical kits in the game? The instruction manual mentions them for use with the Heal skill. I've yet to find any, and I'm tired of buying bandage boxes... 2. How much intelligence does the Brain Builder add, and is it permanent? I made a Tech Half-Ogre, and his INT is capped off at 18. Any answers (even vague ones) would be appreciated! -Poiuyt Man
1. Just bandages, I believe. 2. Not sure how much it raises, but no it's not permanent. I think it's 24 hours. ???
I don't think that Brain Builder (or Essence of Intellect, or anything similar) can boost your Intelligence (or any other stat) past its max.
You can use them from your inventory by dragging them to the hand icon, or from a quick slot. Each bandage box can be used 10 times. Chance of successful heal/amount healed/amount of bandages used depends on your Heal Skill. -Poiuyt Man
Nothing can boost your stats above their cap and the only permanent stat modifier is the vivifier (parts and schematic found in vendigroth)
Now that's a mad idea if I ever saw one As for BrainBuilder remember that the effects are not cumulative. Basically you can't use a number of them at once because the moment you use one while still under effects of another you not only don't gain anything but also lose previously aquired bonus. Same goes for all potions/elixirs be they tech or magick.
I wouldn't suggest that... they don't even have apprentice training, wasting a whole box to heal 4 HP. It's better to put the 5 points into Heal Skill yourself -- with training, it's a VERY effective skill, and more efficient than potions. -Poiuyt Man
Hey guys, I finally got the Brain Builder schematic, and unless my game is bugged or something, the following info is correct: -It is permanent. It adds 1 to all mental stats (IN,WP,PE,CH), while subtracting 1 from all body stats (ST,CN,DX,BE). Several weeks of game-time have passed and it hasn't worn off. -It is cumulative. I used two, and the effects added up. -It can increase stats past the limits set by their race. My half-ogre was limited to 18 Intelligence; Brain Builder boosted it to 19. I only used two, so no idea if it can bring IN over 20. Don't confuse the Brain Builder with the Mind Marvel, which is a learned schematic that temporarily boosts all mental abilities by 1. I got the idea for a Tech Half-Ogre when I saw the sophisticated looking dark-skinned fellow in one of the portraits. Only problems are the Intelligence cap (partially resolved with Rare Half-Ogre Birth background), and Large Elite Plate weighs a bit more. -Poiuyt Man