let's talk about dreams share those wierd dreams that you have i know your thinking about some craking up so joke but i know you have at least on strange dream... so ill go ahead and share mine 1st my dream started like any ordinary dream and i know it was dream the dream was about a group of people band together to hunt demons and such and we are patrolling somewhere the place seems like a cavern like the one in 1st diablo so where there patrolling and we saw this man above a cliff with stairs on it being attack by a demon... so upon seeing this we all started to race the stairs one of my group member race ahead and looks at me with the look "Common let's go" and i notice that he was my brother the strange things is this is the first dream i have with my brother in a long time, in a very long time upon reaching half way the stairs he slowed down like he was mummyfied or something as i reached him i suddenly feel a strange force forcing me to slow down and suddenly i was thinking that "help me, to over come this, help me to help him" it was almost like a prayer feeling in it suddenly i felt great speed and power as race to the top of the cliff upon reaching the edge of the cliff i pushed the man that was being attacked by the demon off the cliff. instead of the demon i was thingking of attacking the demon all along and why did i pushed the man instead? strange, eh? so now you tell your strange dream
I have heard that people telling you about their dreams is the most boring thing ever, but that is another story. Okay the other day i dreamed i had the ebola virus, one of the things that happen when you get that virus is that you start to chough up blood. And i was sick that day i had caught something that made me caugh. Imagine me dreming that i had ebola then waking upp choughing. I used a minnute checking the sheets for blood stains and i found none so i fell asleep after much choughing.
I once had a dream where I was falling down a hole and my skin came off, and dinosaurs were looking at me.
No offence, Zor, but that is the stupidest dream I have ever heard! :???: BTW, did it happen fast, or did it seem to happen slowly? Did the dinosaurs have a kinda lustful look in their eyes? Just kidding ya. Anyway, I once had a dream that a few friends and I were looking at some thieve's hideout. Suddenly, two thieves appeared. We ran, me being the last out the door. The tallest thief pulled out a crowbar and slammed it hard into my back, stabbing it right though me. I died in my dream and sorta became like a ghost. I woke up (in my dream) nearly 20 years after that happened. I could turn invisible (in which case, I would see hundreds of other ghosts wandering the streets), or visible (in which case I could see live people). I kinda cried in my dream at seeing my mom with such white hair and my dad dead. Everyone else in my family had gone somewhere, and I was stuck here. I also felt very sad for some reason that I couldn't have an education and get a job and live a life like I should have. The dream ended with me and a few people I know (who were also dead in my dream) "crossing over" to where the spirits go to rest. That is basically it. I don't have many dreams, and I highly enjoyed having that one. I kinda wish I would dream up a sequel...
i envy your dreams xento, they have a beginning, middle, and end. i either dont remember mine or they are horrifying and nothing makes sense except that something is very wrong. thats just one tiny insight into my psyche, if youd like to question my sanity further it should be back on thursday
hmm i love to fall form high places in my dreams it's some sort of a thrilling feeling. i remember tons of dreams. it seems that i remember all my sex dreams very well, i wonder why... hmm anyway, this is a dream i had when i was about 12 years old. in the dream i was a fighter, and i went to some sort of a turnament, death match actually. in this death match i fought against many different fighters, most of them from some tv siries like the ninja trutles, power rangers, thunder cats.... then i got to the finals and had to fight against Goro (the dude with the 4 arms form mortal combat) we fought for a while but then he cought me...looked and shan tsung and broke my back. i think i kinda died in some sort of a wierd way. after dying i began running through some hall, when i looked behind me there was the emperor(also form mortal combat) chasing me.... i thought to myself "holy shit!" and tryed to increase my speed. but instead i started slowing down without any apperent reason... and slowing...and slowing...untill i could barely move my legs.. then i fell on my knees and tryed to crawl away.... but the emperor cought me and... i woke up. AND AFTER ALL THAT THEY CLAIM THAT TV AND COMPUTER GAMES DONT MESS WITH THE MINDS OF CHILDREN!
Actually, I don't remember even 75% of my dreams (that is for my whole life), and the ones I do, I only remember fragments, or they are just so stupid... I once had a dream that I could fly: I would run quite fast, jump off the ground, and almost fly with my mind. It was a pretty cool dream. I heard about this one girl who was in the hospital in a coma, who, suddenly, threw her arms out as if she was falling in a dream, and, when she would have hit the bottom, she jumped and grunted, coughed up blood, and died. Just like if she had really fallen to her death.
I recently had a dream I was escaping from some space station and "The Many" (those who played System Shock 2 know what I'm talking about) was after me, I reached some escape pod and had to reconfigure it, I was failing miserably and it almost got me... That's when my girlfriend woke me up calling on the phone. I really get a lot of nightmares. My favorite type is when I enter my house to find it pillaged. Or I know thieves are trying to enter my house and I open the door for them just by leaning on it.
I dream about hot chicks that I want to bang. Kind of sucks though, seeing as how when I wake up it takes forever until I can take a leak. :nod:
I can imagine mrnobodie's dream: A huge fire breaks out. His department are on watch and go to put it out. Suddenly, some really nice-looking babe walkes out of the flames and everyone thinks "Man! She is hot! No wonder there was a fire!". Then, the dream gets a little, or really, strange... and I don't want to mention any more.
actually my dreams are nothing like that.... they're usually very bland and non-exciting, the most exciting one i've had recently involved me riding a bike chasing possum's through bushland...... go figure. and their not called departments, their called brigads and due to "relativly" low fire activity i've been put on an in-active listing, so i can go back to work again............ yipee............ not.
To be honest, I can't tell my dreams that I have when I sleep then the dreams that I have when I think. I tend to make most of my dreams up.
I never have dreams like Darkwalker and mrnobodie. When I dream of shagging, it's always someone that I shouldn't be shagging. Some of them would get arrested, or at least publicly shunned. "GRANDMA?!!?!?! WHAT ARE YOU DOING???"
I'll explain my day dreams. I usually dream of my own death, kind of pathetic, I know...but it's what I do. I try to think of good things before I go to sleep for I don't have to see my own death in actual images, so usually I just dream of random things at night, I don't remember them though. Last time I've ever had a nightmare was many many years ago, nightmares are dreams to me now, cause I really don't care anymore.