dan_upright on the <a href="http://bloodlines.dilapidation.com/">Bloodlines Dilapidation</A> Forum has made a small patch for Bloodlines. <a href="http://bloodlines.dilapidation.com/modules.php?name=Forums&file=viewtopic&t=2029">Fixlist and comments</A> <a href="http://oma.cultoftheinept.com/downloads/omaVampirePatch0.6.rar">The Patch!</A> <B>Spotted @:</B> <a href="http://bloodlines.dilapidation.com/">Bloodlines Dilapidation</A>
I had some trouble figuring some stuff out at frist, Heres my list: 1) I can't seem the get the 'leopatch.exe' to work with 'Run as...' It ask me which user do I want to Run as? This happend on Windows XP 2) I cant seem to find out where 'vdata' goes eaither. Or the stuff thats in the folder 3) I have no clue where I am supposed to put Issac's Sound at. If I could get some help I would be very greatful -Josh , a.k.a. Cap Teh Secks wabbit
While I haven't got bloodlines yet, this is what I think: 1. You've read this: ? If you have, and it doesn't work, I can't help you. 2. Put the "haven_pc.txt" and "shrekhub2_terminal.txt" files in the folder: "vampire\vdata\hackterminals" and "quests_hollywood.txt" and "quests_santamonica.txt and "rules.txt" and "vendors.txt" in : vampire\vdata\system If one of the subfolders doesn't exist, create it. 3. Like no 2: go to the folder: vampire\sound\character\dlg\isaac and put the file "line61_col_e.mp3" in there if it asks you to replace old files do it (back the old ones up first) Sorry if it didn't help or I misunderstood your post, it's pretty late over here.
Thanks for the help, I did read the readme for the Leopold thing, but like I said how it says 'Run as .... blah blah blah' . Well when i try to use 'Run as...' it just ask me what user do i want to run as? not run what do you want to run this as? and the Vdata thing, There is no Vdata folder in the Vampire folder? so do i just add the vdata folder to vampire folder?