Can I get a w00t w00t? Well it took me 4 different characters, a handful of hair pulling bugs, but I finally got thru the whole game bug free and beat it! And I must say, niiiiiiiiice. *that is a severe understatement ..I can honestly say this game gets my PC RPG Of the Year!* I knew any game that kept me still playing it even after I found bugs that made the game inplayable, was going to be a winner. I say to all the ppl that are struggling with Arcanum because of whatver reason, keep playing. The game is so awesome, even after beating it I want to start it again and play as a different character..and unravel a whole new story line. This game is so badass Sheesh, I feel all giddy now that I've beaten it... Now what to do next..Hmm I'm think technological all the way...Being a mage was fun, but easy. -Michael
I think 'cause of the bugs Arcanums replay value is 0. If I would have to go through all the bugs again I would go insane. Finished it and threw the sucker away. Got better things to do than get pissed of at Magnus.
First of all, the game cost me $80.00 (cdn) so throwing it out would be dumb... and why would you throw it out? There are updates comming out, to fix those bugs. So I say, you are either rich (enough to throw out games) or just stupid. :evil: Edit:I also thought the game was cool, and the multiplayer is cool too (except for the losing of all items on quit _________________ As of Nov/19/01 Online Level - 30 <font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Dmonik on 2001-11-21 14:07 ]</font>
The trick is, I had no idea the replay value would be 0. So I also feel alittle cheated by the developers. And I had the game from the start. Don't tell me bout patches since it's been a long time since Arcanum was released. And I had to play with ALL the bugs.
Well I played Arcanum without any patches!!! And I've seen only a few bugs. Now I'm replaying it with three(!) characters at a time. This game really rocks. P.S.Magnus is a stupid asshole so just kill him
Spoilers in my post, so be warned if you have not finshed the game. I just finished it last night after not having a chance to play for many days. In fact, I had forgotten about the V device, so I was mighty confused when I was trying defeat the last bad guy. I was impressed with the way the game ended. It was interesting to see the results of some of my decisions. I feel bad about what happened to Blackroot. I was happy to see the Boil rebuilt. I think I might try the game again using some sort of thief, but how can I give up Teleport?
the teleport spell is one of the most usefull spells in the game (no more pointless walking) and as for replay value i'm almost finished my fourth game and trying to decide what char i'm going to play next maybe a half-orc thief technologist?