I purchased the game again, but it was in the discount bin so no manual came with it, How do you force attack a door for example?
From the very same online manual: A-10: Quick Keys Arcanum GAME Hotkey List: <Escape> -- MainMenu (or "Previous Window" *in* the mainmenu) <F1> -- “Walk†– Commands a Follower(s) to walk to a target location <F2> -- “Attack†– Commands a Follower(s) to attack the selected target <F3> -- “Stay Close†– Commands a Follower(s) to follow at a lesser <F4> -- “Spread Out†– Commands a Follower(s) to follow at a greater <F5> -- “Back Off†- Commands a Follower(s) to stop fighting its target <F7> -- Auto-save save game to a predetermined auto-save game slot. <F8> -- Auto-load saved game from predetermined auto-save game slot. <F12> -- Take a screenshot <NUMLOCK> -- Toggles Run-Always <SHIFT> -- Stand in place (don't walk when attacking, etc.) <CTRL> -- Run instead of walk <ALT> -- Force-Attack (to attack scenery, doors, etc.) -- Drag a corpse (if not in combat mode) <ENTER> -- Switch to the Chat rotating window (type messages seen as floaters) <SPACE> -- Closes any interfaces (Inven/Char. Editor/etc.) and switches between Turn-Based/Real-Time combat <A> -- Do whatever hotkey action is on the last "Active" hotkey (the one the lower-left, next to the rotating window) <C> -- Character Editor Toggle On/Off <F> -- Fate Point Window Toggle On/Off -- Inventory Toggle On/Off <L> -- Log Book Toggle On/Off <O> -- Bring up the Options menu <R> -- Toggle Ready/Unready mode (Attack/Talk modes) <S> -- Sleep UI Toggle On/Off <T> -- Tech Schematic UI Toggle On/Off <V> -- Display version info <W> -- World Map UI Toggle On/Off <,> -- Attacks will be called-shots to the Head (<Comma>) <.> -- Attacks will be called-shots to the Arms (<Period>) </> -- Attacks will be called-shots to the Legs (<Forward>)
Its been a while, my keyboard is fuuked up, the f keys are retarded. Where can you download the manual from?
http://www.terra-arcanum.com/troikapedi ... num_Manual I uploaded the manual to the Troikapedia and nobody uses it! All my precious work gone to waste... the agony, I tell you, THE AGONY!