Hmmm, I've managed to start gaining levels, with my handy stun spell and a balanced sword, but I was wondering about the found schematics...does anyone have a list of what each of them needs in order to be used? The ones you can buy in the stores, like flamethrowers, bullets, mechanized rifle, etc etc.
i'm suprised friend_al_23 hasn't responded to this one yet... his site has all the schematics, both learned and found ~Aldin _________________ haiku master too Azira has confirmed me tis five seven five <font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Aldin on 2001-09-21 22:52 ]</font>
Because I'm not yet online, Aldin. I am now. :smile: ... ndex.shtml to be exact. :smile: Thanks. :smile:
positive electrons and other oxymorons... a direct link al? dontcha want visitors to browse the site a bit? :smile: Great site btw. ~Aldin
I don't want them to get tired of searching for the right link. My purpose here is to help people out in this board, not promote it. Besides, I already have my signature. :grin:
You type it wrong, index.shtml and not default.css. Where did you get this? Anyway, just left-clicking the link above or my sig works ok to me. :smile:
Yeah. According to what I've read, most webmasters are optimizing their sites for use in IE and never really mind NN since it is depiliating.
by the wasy AL how does it feel being a technological marvel? Since your a mage and all... I think the character AL is at the sobbing onion. he doesnt have any impact on the game though..
Pretty weird. A technological marvel from Tulla? How did it ever got there? I think it was Albert Leek, the throwing master, wait prowling, I'm not sure.