What NPCs have "proper" ways of getting them to leave? I mean, I know I have a follower limit, but it really annoys the hell out of me to leave NPCs behind and not initiate the join party dialogue. So, whenever I can, I "solve" their dilemma. E.g- Set Gar free instead of towing him along, get Dante reaccepted in the eyes of Praetor. Things like that. I also tried leaving Jayna at Bate's mansion, since she said she wanted to study in Tarant, but the dumb ass made this comment on how she was lost and perhaps she would find something to do alone, with the implied crying and all. Sigh, so I took her along. Anyway, any other way I do similiar things with other NPCs?
Not that I know of ... I know some have 'quests' that when you complte they leave you, but ... not always, like magnus will stick around, as will geoffory in the right situations, it just depends on what's going on. But Swyft only stays if you ahve a high charisma, and that guy you get ont he isle pf deep leaves when you take him to the Wheel clan.
When you bring Thorvald Two Stones to Wheel Clan he leaves you - so don't let him carry any vital equipment when you reach WC
Virgel will leave u after u leave the dark elf place so right before u leave teke all of his items(cause once u find him again he will not have any of the stuff u left on him)
Hah you guys get attached to your NPCs... I hated that about Sandi in fallout1 in the shady sands. It looked like you can get her to join, and everyone really wanted to get her, but there is just no way in hell. Unless of course you do the raiders quest last, and don't bring her to shady sands after rescuing her! :smile: