I'm making the ultimate character of doom (all rights reserved) but its pretty heavy on the cp's , so what i'm asking is for a little respect. Oh and advice. It's gonna be a tech thrower , which means no magic items and virtually no weight restriction. I'm also patched AND with the powershopping mod. So the stats i need raised are: Strength , Dexterity , Intelligence and Charisma. So far i got 2x Charged Ring (+4 Dex) and the Jewel of Hebe (+2 Cha +1 Be?). And if you can force the master spot trap quest , the Trapmaker's Spectacles (+2 Dex/Pe) So , anything else? I think i'm going the Ran Away With The Circus backround , that allows for super throwing skill ramping and ignoring perception , more or less (due to expert and master training). Oh , depending on how this goes , i might also get to master up to three tech disciplines. Right now i'm thinking Electric (rings , disruptor , charged swords etc) Smithy (swords and armor basically) and Explosives (Pyro stuff , Dynamite tricks , good against high magic stuff). This sound like a good combo? I think the other choice would be Mechanical , but i'd like some input. Well , huge post as always , gimme your thoughts.
x2 charged rings. Jewel of Herbe ? There really aren't many options here for a techy. Aerial Decapitator. Mech Plate mail. Flow Disruptor. Vendigroth War Gauntlets. Goggled Helmet/Miner's Helmet. Boots of War. Hows that sound?
Sounds like +4Dex +1 Cha , which is what i had so far The gauntlets aren't really an option until terribly late in the game (forcing nonwithstanding). Not much a guy can do i guess , tech could've been so much more Lets hope for Arcanum 2.
Tell me about it. For a mage, there is so much more choice in equipment. Just not fair. You could get the machined gauntlets until you got the vedigroth ones. Charged rings are definatley the best option, just think what you could use the extra 4 Cps your saving for.
if i were going to be a techy I definately would get all mechanical so you can make mechanical arachnids, medical arachnids, poison arachnids, and automatons. If you can find the components to make these (which are somewhat difficult), they are a BIG help to have around. (especially medical arachnid)
Or you can get Master Prowl, force the location of Vendigroth and steal your self a small army of Automatons.
All ranged weapons use PE even when it is not the primamary stat as it is in firearms. Just watch Raven's shooting improve when she gets the Helm of Yasagar's Cost.
I'm not sure if thats the case with Throwing , i remember my character started with 14 strength and he got 174% ToHit or somesuch silliness at the crash site. Automatons are lag city , surface vendigroth is lag city , my computer would need intensive care and a pacemaker if those two mixed.
Try checking your TH with & without some PE boost such as Eye Gear or the HoYC. The cure is at hand & only $40 right now. With the new 8X agp video cards on the market, the 64 meg 4X MX 440 cards are on sale in many places for that ammount. You may have to deal with mail in rebates. Unless you are running a CPU slower than 750 or the dead minium of system ram, this will do the job. I cannot tell you how much fun it is to squash spiders in RTC with a party of 9 & watch the figures run instead of crawl.
IIRC, they give you +2 dex, str, and con. i think you need to have at least some tech aptitude to get the full bonus.
oooo, i shall have to try that with my next character. i was planning on making him a weak dwarf who would have an army of mechanical buddies and those guantlets would make him less weak.