i have a problem with my custom background. the game is not reading it. Like it isnt recognizing it. i created two folders within the data folder called mes and rules. within the mes folder i have the file 'gameback.mes' that opens in wordpad. within the rules folder i have two files called 'backgrnd.mes' and effect.mes both that open in wordpad. i think i am doing all things right but it is not taking effect in the game. i can select it but the stats of the background do not go into effect. i can get my bonuses to my dex and strength to work as well as my bonuses to herbology and explosives to start with to work but i cant get my tech points to work. i want to have a bonus of 4 points put into all tech skills at the start because of what the background is but that is the only part that won't work. any ideas on what is going on? can someone please help??
Do you have more than five changes per type of change? Are you adding points to the regular tech skills (firearms, lockpicking, repair, disarm traps) or the tech colleges (which you can't do)? Could you post the bit in effect.mes that you changed?
IIRC you need to have 3 files for custom backgrounds to work. effect.mes gameback.mes description.mes i think. also you need to place them in the correct folder
If only.... If only there were a tutorial on this stuff.... Edit: Oh, come on! That was totally rude of me! Isn't anyone going to call me a condescending jack@$$? (Well... she@$$ to be precise) My word....
Is there any other place where you can get that tutorial? As in a non-FilePlanet location? Their login system seems to be screwed up at the moment.
Uh, no, I couldn't find it anywhere else anyway. Here, have mine: EDIT: Obsolete link removed for the sake of avoiding future confusion.
Yes, you're missing the link at the top of the page. Do you have funky custom browser settings for link text color or something? Well I changed the background to white for you, if you still can't see it don't bother telling me about it.
I got it now, thanks. It seems like the link isn't working though. I just get the <a href "address" tag written on the screen.
:roll: Works for me, and everyone else I've asked to try it. Normally I'd ask about your browser type and settings, but honestly I can't bring myself to care, especially not for somebody I don't even know, not even in the superficial way of this forum. It doesn't work NOW of course because I've deleted it, but that's neither here nor there. Good luck with FilePlanet.
The file is there, but be sure you have Active Scripting turned on (if you are using IE) or you won't be able to download anything from fileplanet