i'm a human fighter, maxed strength, dex and willpower, along with max melee and dodge @ level 35 i'm using a few magickal items such as sword of air, magickal platemail, arcane ring, dorian amulet and ring of protection all these items have magick power as being only 50%, thus i'm only receiving half they bonus' is there any way to increase my magickal aptitude without putting points into spells?
ok i just got a dark helm but its magick power is only at 62% so my magick aptitude has only gone up by 10 not 20 T_T
Not only will your MA be stuck at 100, but your alignment will also stick at -100 for the rest of the game. Wow, static alignment, it's just like Baldur's Gate! Should start a new thread listing all the ways to Suck The Fun Right Outta The Game. Oh, be sure to pick up the Black Stone Blade too. It's in the closed sewers in Tarant, and it is a load of fun!!! And if you don't care about what your followers think of you, and since you're going to be evil anyway, use the Bangellian Scourge. Barrel of laughs, that one. :roll:
Never equip the Black Stone Blade! It's ruined 2 of my scores! It was'nt identified so I did'nt know that It would mess me up. Every score I start nowadays I destroy it in the Bangdilan deeps!
It's no worse or different than equiping an item that'll break your alignment, magick/tech aptitude, or followers' reaction.
when i first put it on my alignment was around +65 it went down to -25 or something like that, and now from doing quests and the like its back up to +25 so is it only stuck if you actually get to -100 alignment?
Your alignment can go way beyond the +-100 the Evil - O - Meeter shows. If you do not go beyond -100, it will come back up, at least a bit. The Dark Helm shifts your base line from 0 to - whatever, so with only a few aplications, you should be able to get to + 80 or maybe even + 100.