I'm wanting to make some people who are turned to stone, that you haveto return to normal. How would i do this?
There are two conditions to my answer: One, you must be planning on using an item of some sort to return them to normal, and two you must have a copy of WorldEd. I'v looked into this, and I will explain the scripting procedures, but the exact numbers you'll have to find yourself. Create a villager and edit him/her, and check off the flag that says "stoned." This will create a stoned villager. That was pretty easy, eh? Unfortunately, returning them to flesh takes a little more work. What you'll need to do is to create an item, then edit it's descriptions -AND- it's internal name. So say we make a potion, for the sake of argument. In gamedesc.mes, call it something (Stone-to-Flesh Goop). That part doesn't matter. Now, go into the oemes directory, and open up the file gameoname.mes. This file lets you edit internal names and assign them numbers. Just like a bank, arcanum doesn't care WHAT your name is, it cares what your number is. Go down to the miscellaneous range, and give it a number and a name. In this case, again for the sake of the example, we will number it {5801}{5801 Stone to Flesh} Now comes the fun part. Open up SockMonkey, and let's get digging. We need something that will activate a dialogue with this villager, but only if the stone curse is broken. So here's what you get: 0 ) IF pc triggerer has item named 5801 Then goto line 2 Else do nothing. 1 ) return and SKIP default 2 )Change [obj] into basic prototype [num] --> This line will let you change the art of the person in question. What happens here is, the old villager is destroyed, and changed into the new one. There is no death or anything, so it looks to the player as if they are suddenly unstoned! The valid villager prototypes are at the bottom of Worlded, so pick one you like. the [obj] in the above line would of course be the attachee. 3 ) dialog [num.] 4 ) return and SKIP default Not too hard. This may need some tweaking--I dont have time to test everything myself, so toy with this a bit. It should set you well on your way to success. If you want the villager to say different things depending on quest states, then you can line up different conditional statements after line 2. If it tries to change the art every single time and this inhibits gameplay (it might not, since it would be the same art) then try using the command line to change this script to a different number at line 2, and then make that script your dialog script. Try this out, post again if it doesn't work, provide details about what failed, and i'll try and help. Hope this works for you! Ruelz
*slaps forehead* I cant think of everything at once now, come on! Anyway, Maniac is indeed correct. It depends on if you want to lose the potion after one use or not. If you do, then where line 2 currently is, you would put a "Destroy [obj]" command, or something similar--I'm not sitting at a computer with Arcanum in front of me at the moment, but the script command is fairly obvious. This will eliminate the potion after it is used. Of course, if you are using it on multiple objects, then it could get complicate if you want to give it limited uses. If the ideas I've given you work, great. If you REALLY think your mod wont be complete without a multiple-use-then-self-destructing-potion, post back and I'll see what i can do for you.
thanks Yea that could work. I'd perfer to have a potion or something that would turn everyone back at once if used in a specific spot, but if not i can still work with this.
quick fix: Make the stoned people relatively in one place, or at least put them in groups. Then, in line 2 of the sript i posted for you, change the [obj] from attachee to everyone in vicinity. Just put them away from other unstoned NPC's