Congratulations! :grin: Which one, might I ask? Pomona? San Luis Obispo? And what do you intend to study? I went to UCLA, in case anyone cares. Which they don't, of course, but I just felt like mentioning it anyway.
the one in SLO Thanks, and I don't know if i'm going there, I'm just glad that I was accepted, my first choice would have to be UC Berkley though (more wishful thinking than anything...)
I'm a little confused here. I thought CalPol was some sort of medicine you give to under 8's to ease headaches and colds??!?! Is CalPoly some sort of factory? :-o :-? ¹ ¹Please note that I'm being stupid and sarcastic. Haven't sone it much before, and since Menion left and NBrosz ans Q are apparently not going to do it again, I thought we needed something along these lines. Although, I'm not very good at it, and I kind of explained it away away, so I'm just going to shut up now and go away, and not going to do this again, as it's just embarrassing me... :lol:
Congrats MIC! Is this for getting your Bachelors, or grad school? I sent out my application to Clemson University for Ph.D. a few days ago. I should get their response in a month or two. Let me know what school you finally decide on going to, MIC - I'm assuming they're all on the west coast? Mine are all on the east coast.
You know what I don't understand about the American tertiary education customs? The fact that someone will travel all the way across the country just to attend a particular university. It's like there's only a few decent uni's in the whole country. It seems that everyone who goes to uni has to move out and go live on their own, such as living on campus. To me it just seems freaky.
well, I think part of it is the student-to-be's desire to 'go out and see the sights,' and a need to 'leave the nest,' as it were. also, as with many things, it's not what you know/have learned, but it's who you know and where you've gone. In many cases, the reputation/prestige of a certain unversity may be that extra edge that's needed to land someone a new job.
Fair enough, that's why people attend certain universities here as well. However, we tend to have at least one very good university in each state/territory, and it's not often you'll find someone travelled all the way across the country to go do a particular course at a particular university. My point was, it seems that there's only a few decent uni's in the USA that people can be bothered attending. Then again, most of my impressions are based off books, movies and other such things, so chances are I don't know what I'm talking about. That brings me to something else. Frat houses. Can someone please explain to me what the fucking deal is with frat houses? I mean, charters, constitutions, Greek fucking letters for names?