I just found the original Harry Potter script!

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Flink, Jun 1, 2003.

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  1. Flink

    Flink New Member

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    May 11, 2001

    I just thought you guys had to see this. :)
  2. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    LOL thats a good one

    P.S. I don't like Star Wars OR Harry Potter
  3. Demosthenes

    Demosthenes New Member

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    Oct 31, 2002
    Shoot yourself for not liking Star Wars, it is a great film trilogy.
    Harry Potter is less good, but still a good movie.

    That thing is very funny though.
  4. Snowmane

    Snowmane New Member

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    Aug 20, 2002
    What the hell?! How could you not like Star Wars? I should ban you for that! Eh, not talking the new ones, because they're utter crapola.
  5. Jarinor

    Jarinor New Member

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    Aug 5, 2001
    Heathen! I cast thee out for not liking the Holy Trilogy!
  6. Demosthenes

    Demosthenes New Member

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    Oct 31, 2002
    We all know they don't count. At least AOTC was better than the TPM. Of course, that's not saying much.
  7. Xan Emrys

    Xan Emrys New Member

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    May 24, 2003

    I read all the Harry Potter books. Took me a week. I've got the newest on reserve. It comes in June, I think. Soon. Like the 15th or something.

    I liked the movies, but only because I'd read the books. I was, of course, insulted by the artistic license, but I got over it.

    As for Star Wars, I am a huge fan. Because of them, my character in D&D is a Psion. (far hand rules)

    The new ones are disappointing, but no more so than I'd expected. Lucas was obviously corrupted by absolute power. I read the original scripts online before the first movies came out. The scripts rocked. Now that the movies are out and have been announced, I can't find any trace of the original scripts. Not that I'm looking too hard. I'd only found them in a machine's cache from blind luck.
  8. Canis

    Canis New Member

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    Nov 17, 2002
    It was better only because there was less of Jar Jar and none of that annoying kid. (Nothing against the child actor personally, I just don't think he should have been in that movie. Course, with that script it might have been hard for any kid to do well in the part....) My father still likes to tell me how AotC should have been called Episode Two: Darth Vader Gets Laid.

    Comes out on Harry's birthday, the 21st. Midnight. Which is actually the 22nd...? So is it the midnight between the Saturday and Sunday, or is it the midnight between the Friday and Saturday? Blast it all, I probably should find out before I just show up.

    The 21st is also the Summer Solstice, which has the Christian fundamentalists up in arms. Some nonsense about corrupting the youth with paganism, bah.

    I love the books, and I enjoy the movies as well, even though I would have done them differently. More screen time for Snape, for one thing. I mean they've got ALAN RICKMAN perfectly cast and he gets, what, like four lines in Chamber of Secrets??? Outrageous!
  9. Xan Emrys

    Xan Emrys New Member

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    May 24, 2003

    I love Snape. At graduation, my chemistry teacher was dressed just like professor snape in the movies. Incidentally, Snape is the potions master, so they aren't too far apart.
    They are so alike in other ways that's it's scary.
    Great acting, MAGNIFICENT writing (duh) (even the movie), breathtaking score which stays in your mind and your dreams for days without becoming annoying, non-ostentatious (izzat a word?) yet remarkable special effects, and costumes and sets so complete they bring back memories of catholic school, and I'm not even catholic! (come to think of it, I've never even seen one of the schools except for on TV) Yes, indeedy, the Harry Potter movies are definitely a must-see. Not so for the new star wars movies.... yick. I want my money back. :-x :razz:

    Edit: But you know I'll be seeing the Lord of the Rings movies! Those, too, rock on beyond words. I'll probably see the next Star Wars movie, too, though. I mean, what if they show a clip of Luke or Leia? Those hotties rock my world. (and, I've heard, they're both homosexual. Is that a coincidence, or is it a secret about the force that I didn't know about? :D )

    (Pink Triangle, yo.)

    Edit: That's the actors. I heard the actors are both homosexual. Not necessarily the characters (although it would explain a lot of things).
  10. Phoenix

    Phoenix New Member

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    Sep 2, 2001
    I loved all the original Star Wars movies and the Harry Potter books (and movies to a lesser extent; still really good though). The new star wars movies sucked but I still saw them and own TPM because they are star wars.
    You find them both hot? Hmmm....

    Arg, I'm gonna need therapy :eek:
  11. Jarinor

    Jarinor New Member

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    Aug 5, 2001
    I think the Harry Potter movies stink. With the notable exception of Haley Joel Osmont in The Sixth Sense, child actors these days suck. The HP books are good, I've read them all, but I haven't pre-ordered the fifth or anything.

    Alan Rickman is one of my favourite actors, and yes, he does do Snape bloody excellently, Robbie Coltrane isn't too bad, neither was the fellow who did Dumbledore, but the rest of the cast is pretty average.
  12. Clothos_Vermillion

    Clothos_Vermillion New Member

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    Dec 8, 2001
    The acting was horrible in the first Harry Potter movie, i thought, but the movie was still pretty good. I fully expected to hate it, since i had little respect for the books since they were designed for 2nd graders and adults were reading them. Actually, i take that back, i had little respect for the adults reading them. It would be like adults reading junior novelizations with pictures rather than reading the real novels.

    The Star Wars Universe is amazing, with the Trilogy being great, and the Timothy Zahn sequels also being pretty sweet. Some of my friends refuse to see them because they are "Star Wars" and have to be nerdy because they are, but they are great movies, great scifi, and great stories. See them. Enjoy them. or die trying.
  13. Ferret

    Ferret New Member

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    Sep 28, 2001
    The Harry Potter book comes out here at 8am on 20th June. I think perhaps that the birthday stunt is something local or by a particular chain of stores.
  14. Qilikatal

    Qilikatal New Member

    Likes Received:
    Feb 22, 2002
  15. Canis

    Canis New Member

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    Nov 17, 2002
    When the release date for book 5 was announced, CNN showed something (I forget, a clip or a quote or something) of J.K. Rowling which had her saying 21 June is Harry's birthday.

    Or was he born in July, and Rowling's birthday is 21 June? Oh wonderful, now you've got me confused. (Not hard to do, admittedly.) In any case, every official bit of info I've read says it's out on the 21st. How on Earth are you getting it on the 20th?

    EDIT: They were both born on 31 July, I looked it up. Now how did I ever get the birthday idea.... Something on CNN probably. Oh well, no harm done.
  16. Clothos_Vermillion

    Clothos_Vermillion New Member

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    Dec 8, 2001
    Alright... so i haven't read the books, and don't have too many legs to stand on, but i didn't criticize the books, i just think it is kinda ridiculous that 80-year olds could enjoy the books as much as 8 year olds.

    I read advanced books as a child, like Stephen King in elementary school, not getting much of the allusions and sex, but i got most of the books. I don't think that if a typical 2nd grader can get a book that most adults would really want to read it. I don't care if they can get through it in a friggin half-hour, books are made for adults, teens, and children, and they are made in different manners.

    For example... Junior novelizations are made for people who can't read, and just watch movies. Or really stupid teens and grade schoolers. I could read the real novels when i was at this age, and real novels beat the shit out of junior novelizations and movies just about all the time.
  17. Octillicus

    Octillicus New Member

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    Apr 21, 2003
    First of all, I would hardly regard King's work as advanced. Infantile would be closer. The man has an irritating habit of writing himself into the novel and rehashing old twilight zone scripts, Grr.

    Second, I loathe star wars, it bores me to tears.

    Third, The Harry Potter books are ok, I devoted a weekend to them and finished with a "That's it?" feeling, the content is run-of-the-mill, but well written. J.K. has a genuine talent for wrapping up the macabre in cotton wool, something that I thought only Road Dahl could do.

    Fourth, The Harry Potter movies are simply a page-for-page translation of the book onto the screen, none of the child cast can act, the "big names" are given too little screen time and Alan Rickman isn't on enough (hell, with Rickman 90% of the time isn't long enough).
  18. Dracona Elonire

    Dracona Elonire New Member

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    Jun 1, 2003
    lmao, thats good, stupid harry potter :lol: harry potter sux so does the new star wars (I loved the originals), the new star wars are focused on a 3-12 age group, or so I heard. All though I hate harry potter I'm glad I read them because I thought they were the best thing ever, so I looked for more fantasy and read lord of the rings. Then I realized what complete shit harry potter was. Now I read Robert Jordan's, Terry Goodkind's and Tad William's books all which rock :) :) :)
  19. King_Natstar

    King_Natstar New Member

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    Jun 3, 2003
    lol thats pritty funny star wars rules harry the pot maker sucks..
  20. Qilikatal

    Qilikatal New Member

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    Feb 22, 2002
    I see you have an open mind clothos.

    Fact is that the more you read of a certain author sooner or later you would like a change(Exept for the tolkien books), the harry potter books is a nice change from most of the usual grown upp literature.

    Also you have not read the books and to qoute Gandalf "The wise speak only of what they know"(or something like that). You have not considered the thought that there might be books that apply to all ages young or old, and that other people may be more openminded than you are.
    Try reading the books before you start saying how much you disrespect those that read them.

    What the hell is a junior novelization.

    Also if you want advanced try some hamsun books or some of the books from the same author that wrote of mice and men. If that does not beat it for you try shakespeare.
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