Pardon the rather n00bish question. :grin: So, I went to Dernholm, then went back to Shrouded Hills, and as I'm trying to go to Black Roots, I'm shocked to find that my path is blocked on the world map! It says that I need to find a bridge or a means of transportation. . . I thought that maybe it's because I threw away the key to the bridge in Dernholm. Sure enough, when I get to the bridge, the gate has closed and locked all by themselves once more. However, even after I unlock them with the handy unlocking cantrip, and enter the world map, I receive the same error message! So. . . am I beyond help now? And must either resort to some sort of editor or restarting the game (noooo!!!)? Is the problem really because I threw away the key? Thanks for the help. Rab
Other than the example you cited when leaving SH, keys have nothing to do with traversing the world map. Instead of going for a straight shot to your intended destination try using a multiple and specific "red map dot" strategy to circumvent obstacles such as mountain ranges, map edges, etc. Also when crossing bridges on the world map, ensure you place a red map dot at each end of the bridge before you continue on to your final destination. If that doesn't work, it sounds like you have a bug, at least you weren't that far along.
you should have bought a keyring so that ALL the keys in the world takes 2 space altogether, that would make it easier to lug around
So. . . I take it that you mean I should start over again? :cry: No way to put the key back in my inventory with a more hack-ish approach? Rab
you can get to the world map in shrouded hills by going NW (around bessies mine) or SW out of town. you don't have to go via the bridge. As was said, someimes a straight line doesn't work to get to where you want to go. Just click all over the world map and hope for random encounters with beasties for you to kill. But save often because you never know when those 4 golden bears are gonna gang up on your low level party......heheheheheh Parmanian
It works now! I think I was just being not very smart before, without realizing that we could set multiple waypoints on the world map as well. When I explicitly told everyone to go across bridges, etc, they obeyed me like little computer sprites ought to. Mwahaha!