I'm in the void fighting Kerghan, I couldn't get the device so I got there thinking the desintegrate spell would be enough to kill this thing but he somehow seem to be immune to it. All my followers were killed and I tried teleport but it doesn't work either. I've tried almost every single spell but nothing works. WHAT SHOULD I DO? (I got no previous saves)
Get a sword called Kryggird's falchion (sp?). It can kill Kerghan and you can find it in the Void. Probably the solution intended by the game makers for losers like you who "can't get the Vendigroth device". How come you couldn't get it? Is your party so weak you couldn't make it through the Vendigroth ruins?
If you have body of water or body of fire or body of air or body of stone cast it on mister K and then cast disintegrate. That works although it is possibly a bug. In the unpatched game if you cast disintegrate on K he died but the game was broken ( you were stuck in an empty chamber)
well, I've got a tip for you for the next tyme you play Arcanum, and any tyme you play any other game akin to this: SAVE AT INTERVALS!!! believe me, it is VERY useful. :lol:
There just may be another alternative... Spoiler How much have you invested in Charisma and Persuasion?