Jayna Stiles' Alternate Portrait

Discussion in 'Arcanum Discussion' started by LionXavier, Feb 25, 2024.

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  1. LionXavier

    LionXavier New Member

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    Mar 11, 2012
    It's funny how one gets used to nice things, don't you think? After years of playing Arcanum with Drog's Unofficial Patch, as there's no sane reason for doing it otherwise, I totally grew to identify our reliable tech-healer Jayna Stiles with the alternate, unused portrait Drog had assigned to her. So just imagine my surprise when, after updating to the most recent version of his UAP, I unexpectedly found out on a new playthroght that Jayna recovered her original portrait due to her new one being repurposed for the new selectable Dark Elf race introduced in this version. Then I remembered why Drog decided to change it in the first place.

    So I just thought I'd do something about it. I took the photo and, basically, straightened her sight and smoothened some of her facial features, so you can say she's still mostly her. Here's a comparison between the original version and the after-plastic surgery one:

    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    If anyone wants this alternate version of Jayna's portrait for their game, just grab it through the following link:

    Jayna Stiles' Alternate Portrait

    To use it, just just unpack the data folder included in the zip fine into the game's main directory (usually C:\Arcanum), overwriting everything if necessary.
    Last edited: Jun 6, 2024
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