No I don't really eat plastic explosives but I'd quite like to use em on Arcanum. Pretty hard to make since you gotta find the schematic for that and the detenator as well. Sounds good though, being able to choose when to make your bomb go off. Its like Dynamite but with more control. What you think ?
I was thinking of a character theme with explosives. Like a picpocket master that plants time bombs on unexpecting shop keepers etc.... (RISTEZZE!)
My latest tech bow character got max explosives and a bit of throw and used plastic explosives a bit. It needs 3 shoppable items so he never got more than around 6 at one time. You also can't plant them like you can with dynamite, you have to throw them. In turn based mode, when you detonate them, they don't explode until the end of your turn. In the end they weren't as useful as I thought they would be. Of course my character had master prowling pretty soon after I got the explosives so I had no more problems with monster fights. They might be more useful for other character builds. Loric