Okay Im in Stillwater and a half orge Molochean Hand member attacked me and Magnus yelled out," Hey, I dont know why we're attacking such a decent type, I wouldnt do this for much longer.". I can forgive this but when I arrived at the home of the thief who stole the statue of the whatever goddess and attacked him, Magnus complained alot of times. I wonder, if a thief is a DECENT TYPE??? MAGNUS IS DIRT SHIT MAN!
If you have good followers you can't initiate attacks against townsfolk without upsetting the follower. There are other ways of solving the quest without attacking the guy who stole the statue. [Reason/theft] Alternatively ditch Magnus.
Magnus is of good alignment. So if you kill unnecessarry, then he will complain. You are not suppose to kill the thief of the statue. Only to reclaim the statue. You need prowling and lockpick skill for this task. If you are planning on an evil path, you don't need Magnus.
the molochen hand member is a random tavern ecounter, like, the game to guess, a drink, or a buzz off, so sometimes a normall gnome lady attacks you with her kitchen knife and gets slaughterd outright. (stupid) so that's where the complaining might be comming from
You can always tell your good followers to wait and then kill the Bad guys that are good. Sounds wierd i know...
sure, and then have magnus talking that your are making deals behind his back! Besides the tavern things a spontanious, random, you don't know what will happen if you talk to people.
If you insult Marley to the point where his reaction drops to hatred, you can attack him without suffering any negative feedback from Magnus or any other good aligned followers. Other options include persuading Marley to hand over the statue in return for a blessing from Priestess Brigette (this requires charisma and persuasion, I believe), or, if you possess the neccessary thieving skill, wise usage of prowling and pick pocket will also solve the problem.
If you dig up the graves at secret cemetery, in one of them there is a few packs of mentats, forgot which one... One pack lasts for a while since there's a bunch of pills in each... and as Magnus is half as tall as a normal person he only needs half the pill. So that'll teach him not to be dumb... for the time being.