What are the real advantages to be a master? Since I'm already at 20 Charisma do they work together? I'm an expert now with 3 points, the two extra points needed could go to my skills! Parmanian
One, the quest is cool, and you can have a real impact on the future of Arcanum. Two, if you get the quest you can pickpocket a Long-Range Pistol. Three, with mastery any potential follower will join you regardless of alignment. Four, I think you'll be able to handle the endgame differently with mastery. Five, how in the world did you get to be so hard up for character points? My characters usually stop spending them around level 30, they can't think of anything else that makes sense to learn.
its not the thing of toooooo many points its if I got em i'm gonna use em.....hehehehhe But thanks for the tips, you still don't get anymore than 6 and the free 4 as followers? Parmanian
A few things to add to what Canis said: 1) Whie doing the quest, you can steal not only the long ranged pistol, but also a small elite plate. Takes a fate point though. 2)Being a Persuasion Master, you can make ANY follower join you, regardless of their alignment and any other requirements, including whether or not you have an empty slot for this new follower you want to take with you. You can also have followers who hate each other. Theoretically you should be able to collect all the followers in the game. 3)There is indeed a way to finish the game without violence, using your persuasion skills (you still need the Vendigroth device though).
I think master pers. is a almoust unuseful. You lose one or two quests. I remember that in Fallout 2 hight inteligence and charisma really conted. Can you convince const. Owen that you didn't distroied the bridge materials, afther you did. Can you finish booth the madam Thoussaine and the other hag quest at the same time, so get the charisma bonus. How much pers. do you need to find out who killed Victor Mink.(Pink). :x
The game makes it pretty clear that Victor Misk (and all the other people who owned, saw, or even heard of "T'seng: Horror Among the Dark Elves") was murdered by the dark elves. No way to confront them about this, sadly.