Is it really worth it? i have no patches or mods or whatever. i looked at the instructions and it made me dizzy lol. so should i donload mods and stuf or keep my arcanum clean like a virgin?
I have heard good things about the CB mod, though I can't bring myself to try it myself due to what I've heard it does to MY GOOD AND TRUE FRIEND VIRGIL. Hmph. Screwing with Virgil indeed. People. Honestly. As for mods in general, I have mixed feelings. If you've already played through a few times I suppose it couldn't hurt to install some small mod or another.... I mean it won't likely spoil you and if it sucks, you can always uninstall it. Currently I'm trying the Molochean Hand and Orc random encounter mods which makes them a bit tougher and improves the loot. The mods certainly do what they say, but perhaps a bit too well.... I mean, now I can level up like mad just walking from Tarant to Ashbury, killing orcs. But the loot is nice, lots of fun stuff one wouldn't normally see in the game without a great deal of pain and effort. I'm convinced however that the mustard gas grenade exists only to make your own followers royally pissed off at you.... I'll probably uninstall those as well. Then I'll be left with just my custom backgrounds (for my very specific character) and portraits, and that's it. Virgin Arcanum. I'm still debating whether to put Virgil's lockpick points into something else.... not necessarily something which would make him more powerful as a companion, just something ELSE. I just can't see him as a locksmith, even as a really bad locksmith. Ah well. I do ramble.
Download & instal the patch. It fixes a lot of annoying little bugs. Play through before major modding.