More on the War

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by xento, Apr 8, 2003.

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  1. xento

    xento New Member

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    Jun 18, 2002
    My dad heard on the radio that the US troops captured one of Suddam's palaces, and, finding noone there, they jumped on Suddam's bed and had a big pillow fight! :D

    On a more serious note, what is your standing with the war protestors? We have a shop teacher that is quite a tough man. My dad says that he fought in the Vietnam War, and was hurt. He was brought back on a strecher in a chopper and was carried down. As he exited, there were a big crowd of war protestors, and they all ran up and, while hurling insults, spit on his face. Now, how thankful for saving their hides are THEY? :-x
  2. Wangus

    Wangus New Member

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    Dec 30, 2001
    That was, thank god, a different time.

    Back then the protesters were angry against the whole war. They thought that both the US government had crossed the lines, as well as the troops themselves.

    I do NOT think that will be the case over here. The overwhelmingly common feeling among protesters is the Bush is wrong but they'll support the troops. I think that this is the most decent thing to do. Regardless of your own opinion on the war, those are our finest men and women out there, for many of us they are our friends, families, and neighbors.

    I did think it was weird to see a group of 12 year old protestors outside the supermarket the other day. :-o
  3. Canis

    Canis New Member

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    Nov 17, 2002
    Saturday when I was out running with my dogs, I passed a group of Christian school kids who were offering a "Car Wash for Peace!"

    Whatever. :roll:
  4. backstabber

    backstabber New Member

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    Aug 1, 2002
    whats so woeid about that???
    there are 10 year old suicide bombers
  5. Canis

    Canis New Member

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    Nov 17, 2002
    1) Little Christian school kids, like 10-yr-old suicide bombers, haven't the intellectual capacity to form an informed opinion for or against the war. Therefore their demonstrations are inherently absurd.

    2) A "Car Wash for Peace", even a successful "Car Wash for Peace" (success being measured in the number of cars being washed), will have no effect on anything at all, except the cleanliness of the cars washed if they did a good job. Therefore it is a ridiculous enterprise.

    3) Many of these bite-sized protestors, I suspect, idealize the exploits of the hippy generation and only want to protest something, anything, to be a part of that cultural blip. We had the same thing during the last Gulf War, ignorant kids skipping class to protest without really knowing what it was they were protesting.

    4) Considering the three above points, the "Car Wash for Peace" will only serve as another reminder of how charmingly silly and ignorant children can be. Aren't they just adorable with their little petitions and pre-made signs and car washes, just makes me want to go out and buy Girl Scout cookies.

    Anyway, I don't think that 10-yr-old suicide bombers have a monopoly on weirdness. BTW, when have we seen 10-yr-old suicide bombers? Linkie please?
  6. backstabber

    backstabber New Member

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    Aug 1, 2002
    u dun see them
    but your fellow countrymen saw them in iraq
  7. Canis

    Canis New Member

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    Nov 17, 2002
    I know *I* don't see them. *I'm* in Burbank ferchristsakes. If you don't have a link to a news article about these alleged 10-yr-old suicide bombers in Iraq, I'm going to assume you're blowing smoke out of your ass. In a manner of speaking, hopefully.
  8. backstabber

    backstabber New Member

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    Aug 1, 2002
    i *KNOW* because i have a FRIEND who went to IRAQ!!!
  9. Canis

    Canis New Member

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    Nov 17, 2002
    So a guy on a message board tells me he's got a friend in Iraq who saw 10-yr-old suicide bombers. Of course I should believe him, how silly of me. :roll:
  10. backstabber

    backstabber New Member

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    Aug 1, 2002
    so a guy on a message board tells me he doesn't believe that i have a friend who saw a ten-year old suicide n=bomber.
    of course, how silly of me. i should not assume that everyone has a brain
  11. TairNean

    TairNean New Member

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    Feb 10, 2003
    ~snicker~Ok..this is fun. However, it doesn't matter who saw what or whose friend saw what. Or what the news says. The media's all biased one way or the other.

    There were some very young VC sappers. Why not 10 yr old Iraqi suicide bombers? There's nothing hard to believe about it. Propaganda is brutal, children are quite mallable. And because they are young and cute, it puts their target off his/her guard.

    It's a horrendous, and deplorable tactic, but no less effective.

    In fact, a 10 year old suicide bomber is probably a helluva lot more effective than a 'car wash for peace' sadly enough.
  12. Canis

    Canis New Member

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    Nov 17, 2002
    Hey, that's exactly what I was thinking. :roll: You shouldn't expect everyone to accept your hearsay as the gospel truth.

    The source of one's information, especially one's dubious information, does matter. If you go around believing in everything everyone tells you you'll end up like, well, those little sponges who become suicide bombers. Just because it's possible doesn't mean it's true, and one shouldn't present possibility as verified fact. I mean, it's possible that an invisible, undetectable dragon lives in the President's garage, and it's possible that I've a friend in the Secret Service who tells me it's true, but that doesn't mean it IS true, or that I'm going to believe it.
  13. Solaris

    Solaris New Member

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    Nov 10, 2002
    I can well believe in 10 year old suicide bomber. The youngest Palestinian intercepted with an explosives belt on him was 13. Not too long ago, two kids, 8 and 12, were given weapons and sent to attack the Israeli settlers (luckily, they were successfully disarmed by the first family whose home they entered). So I wouldn't be surprised if a 10 year old kid was sent against the American soldiers in Iraq, unless this kid was a Christian Arab.
    As for the effectiveness of sending little kids to die for propaganda purposes, I don't completely agree with you, Tair. It does work on people with a certain worldview, and there is a lot of this kind of people in the Western states and the world in general, but what kind of people are they if the only way to get their attention is through bloodshed?
  14. TairNean

    TairNean New Member

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    Feb 10, 2003
    It's an effective way to pile up enemy bodycount. And good or bad, an effective way to get attention. That's what I meant.

    ~grins~Well said..Just the answer I was hoping for actually.

    Spitting on vets is just plain wrong. It's not their fault some idiot told them to go make boom-booms here.. However, to echo wangus' statement that was a different time. People were dead against that war, and I don't blame them. It was a travesty, and a breach of trust to everyone involved.
    I stand where I stand, and again echoing wangus' description.. I think bush was wrong, and is wrong. I think the only good that will come out of this war is the removal of hussein. Beyond that, I think it will only sway opinion against the US, and prove to the radicals of that region that the US is, in fact nothing but wealthy, fat, bullies who throw their weight around. Swelling their ranks with more disillusioned holy warriors, and perpetuating more terrorist attacks. More terrorist attacks means more oppressive laws will be added. Opening the doors to reprehensible abuse by the authorities.

    But again, it's not the troops fault they got sent to the desert. I have a few friends over there myself, and I'd like to see them home safely.

    I do grow weary of people saying that protesting is un-American. The country was founded on protest. After all, isn't that what the Boston tea party was all about? Protest is the cornerstone of this nation. Protesting is about as American as apple pie, and jazz.
  15. Snowmane

    Snowmane New Member

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    Aug 20, 2002
    I actually have no stance on the war, but I do think one thing. I think that no matter what you think of the war, you should support our troops. Does that make sense? Or do I only think that it does? Whatever. It takes a lot of balls to be out there fighting, and I think it's horrible when people say, "Die you awful Neo-Nazis! I hope all our troops die!"
  16. Langolier

    Langolier Member

    Likes Received:
    Mar 9, 2003
  17. Qilikatal

    Qilikatal New Member

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    Feb 22, 2002
    No i do support the american forces in iraq as long as they do the right thing, wich is to stop saddam. The war has started, and cannot be stopped unless saddam is gone and all resistance is stopped. If you protest against the war now, it may prolong it something that will lead to more dead civilians and soldiers. I don't want that.
  18. backstabber

    backstabber New Member

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    Aug 1, 2002
    EVEN if this kid was a christian arab.
    this war isnt against muslims.
    its against iraq the country.
    so if a christian iraqi kid feels that he should protect his country he may go and blow himself up...
  19. backstabber

    backstabber New Member

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    Aug 1, 2002
    my utilization of complex locution is more a reflection of my own superincumbent mental acuity than an aspersion of your cicumscribed lexicon...
  20. Solaris

    Solaris New Member

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    Nov 10, 2002
    The Christian Arabs are generally more peaceful. There hasn't been any Christians among the Palestinian suicide bombers for example. Of course the Christian Arabs weren't exactly nice guys during the Lebanese civil war, but that's about the only example of their violent behavior.
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